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Jay is a rookie playing for Dallas Stars and Torres is the captain of the Chiagco Blackhawks when they first meet - a couple dates later, a relationship had grown


26 year old, Dante Torres couldn't wait to get home to sleep the day away, training had been hard and long; his whole body ached. Chucking his stuff in the back of the truck, he jumped in and reversed out of the parking lot.

He was the captain the Chiagco Blackhawks, and they were training for the upcoming game against the Golden Knights. Said game was two days away and coach was making every session harder than the next.

Arriving at his flat, he smiled as he saw the lights on in the small flat that he shared with his boyfriend, Jay Halstead. The man was also a ice hockey player, he was the rookie for the Dallas Stars, having only turned pro a couple years ago.

Unlocking the front door, Dante smiled as he saw his partner cooking dinner with only a pair of sweat pants on, which were laying low on his hips. It was also very clear that Jay hadn't heard the door open, so he jumped with a small scream.

"God babe, gonna buy you a fucking bell" Jay mumbled, putting the frying pan down and hugging Dante

"Sorry beautiful, what you cooking?" Dante asking

"Just pasta, I'm not going training tonight" Jay mumbled, eyes going back to the pasta

"Why not baby, I thought you were enjoying it?" Dante asked, moving to wrap his arms around Jays waist, leaning his head on the younger mans shoulder

"Coach pulled me, said I'm not good enough, he's put me back down to water boy" Jay mumbled, leaning into Dante

"Why babe, I thought you was doing good?" Dante spoke, pulling Jay from the counter so he could have his full attention

"I don't know, I don't want to talk about it, maybe he's right, maybe I'm not good enough to play it pro" Jay sniffled, hiding his head in Dantes neck

It made the older man sigh; Jay had worked so hard to get to the point of being scouted onto a pro team. Dallas Stars had asked for him, but then they had swapped captains and that man was constantly putting Jay down.

It had started with little things, not mentioning up coming training sessions, or making the man do the dirty jobs such as water boy when he should be playing.

Then it turned to comments from not just him but the whole team; Jay was the youngest in the team by a good 10 years and they made sure he knew that he wasn't liked.

Seeing how much his boyfriends confidence had been shattered, Dante was now set on getting Jay out of the team and into his own. He didn't care what he had to do, he needed Jay to realise how much of a talented player he was.

"You're not going back to that team, you're such a good player Jay, you was 18 when you were scouted, you're 20 now and still the youngest on any team in the US currently" Dante said softly

"But Angus said that I used my age to get me what I wanted, I love ice hockey but he makes me hate it" Jay whispered, he had wrapped his arms around Dante and was hugging him tight

"You worked hard to get where you are, screw what Angus and the team say, I know it and my team know how talented you are" Dante said, lifting Jays head off of his shoulder and making the younger look into his eyes

"Can't I come play with you" Jay whispered, letting Dante wipe his tears from his eyes

"It doesn't work like that baby boy" Dante sighed

Jay let out a small cry at that, and hid his face back in Dantes neck, and the older man could feel Jay's body shaking with small sobs. It broke Dantes heart, he knew Jay had been struggling with his team but he didn't realise it jad been getting this bad.

"Want me to call the team over, we can have a boys night" Dante asked softly

"Will Adam bring Kim and can Hailey come too?" Jay asked quietly

Adam was one of the members of Dantes team, and Kim was his girlfriend; Hailey was Jays adoptive older sister who had moved back to Chiagco just a couple months ago. Having her back had been a massive help with keeping Jay healthy and happy.

"Yea, I can definitely get them both here" Dante smiled

"Can we order pizza too" Jay whispered, still sniffing but calming down slowly

"Of course baby boy, go get a tshirt and I'll call the lads over" Dante smiled, kissing Jay softly on the lips

A couple hours later, Dante was sat on the sofa with his boyfriend while the small man laughed at something Adam had said. His team loved Jay, and had accepted him into the small family they had almost immediately.

Kevin suddenly stood up, pulling Jay out of Dantes arms and tickling him which made even louder giggles break through the younger mans lips. Dante couldn't help but laugh himself at how happy his partner was; and he caught his coaches eye.

Hank Voight was like the teams father figure; every man in the team had disruptive growing ups and ice hockey had been their escape from their own nightmares. Hank had gotten them out of so much trouble; Dante himself had been bailed out of jail a few times by Hank and he had grown close to the man.

"You gotta get him off that team" Dante murmured

"I already have, he's going to be with us from next season" Hank smiled

"How did you manage?" Dante asked, huffing ad he suddenly got a lapful of Jay

"Angus appears to have pissed off some higher up teams, and they found out about his behaviour towards Jay" Hank smiled, ruffling Jays hair as the younger continued to giggle

"You hear that baby boy?" Dante asked, hugging Jay close

"New season, New team" Jay giggled, eyes wide in excitement

"Yea beautiful, you're our rookie now" Dante cheered, and the rest of the team cheered alongside them

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