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Jay couldn't help but whimper as he cleaned himself again, he'd had another accident while at work. Having accidents were normal for him, but over the last few days, they were becoming increasingly worse and harder to deal with on his own.

He was usually able to get away with one or two changes a day during the working day, but it was now nearly every few hours. It was also causing him to loose out on sleep, as he was leaking through the pull ups he wore. The lack of proper sleep was making him irritatable, and everyone was starting to notice the change in his behaviour.

"Jay come on, you've been in there ages" a voice spoke, banging on the door loudly

"I'm fucking peeing, leave me alone" Jay shouted back, eyes filling with tears

"Urghh, you're such a moody bitch" the voice yelled back, and Jay recognised it as Adam

"Fuck off Adam, use the downstairs one" Jay yelled, holding the sob that wanted to leave his mouth

Jay heard the older man walk off in a huff, and he continued trying to get the thicker nappy taped onto his skinny hips. He was starting to get frustrated as he couldn't get it tight enough to stay on. A gentle knock on the door startled him, and caused him to cry out as the nappy fell
loose and onto the floor.

"Jay, it's Antonio, can you let me in please?" a soft voice asked

"No, leave me alone Tonio" Jay shouted

"Buddy, please" Antonio asked softly, and Jay couldn't take it anymore, he burst into tears while shuffling to open the bathroom door

"I'm sorry" Jay cried, hiding his face in his hands

"Jay, oh buddy" Antonio sighed, shutting the door behind him and locking it again

The older man couldn't help but sigh as he took in the young detective in front of him; Jay was in his tshirt with his trousers round his ankles, a nappy laying disgarded in corner, and a bag full
of new clean ones in the other corner.

Antonio knew Jay had been struggling for a while, but didn't know it was this bad. He quickly walked over to the still crying man, wrapping him into a tight hug and shushing him as he cried.

"Don't cry buddy, it's ok, let me help you" Antonio soothed

"I can't take it anymore, I just want it to stop" Jay cried loudly, hugging Antonio just as tight

"Let's get you cleaned up, can I call Hank, we need to properly talk about this" Antonio soothed, grabbing his phone ready to call his husband

"He's gonna laugh at me" Jay cried pitifully

"He won't I promise, I won't let him" Antonio soothed, grabbing the changing matt that he could see rolled up in the bag

"Ok" Jay sniffled, calming down as Antonio's warmth brought him comfort

"Do uou need to go potty before we get you changed?" Antonio asked, smiling as Jay nodded shyly

Antonio gently pushed Jay towards the toilet while he texted his husband Hank to come to the bathroom as soon as he could. While waiting for the smaller man to finsih, Antonio grabbed a fresh nappy, the baby wipes, rash cream and rolled out the changing mat.

A gebtle knock from outside brought a whimper from Jay, but Antonio was quick to shush him, opening it to reveal his husband. The older man had a worried look on his face, and it grew when he saw the state of his youngest detective.

"Jay, come on buddy, the quicker we do this, the quicker we can comfort you" Antonio soothed

"Don't laugh at me" Jay said quietly, looking at his boss who shook his head

"I would never laugh buddy" Hank replied, taking Jay's smaller hand as he laid down beside him

Getting Jay into a nappy was quick, and bith older man smiled as they realised how content Jay was now he had it snug on his hips. Hank picked up the smaller man setting him on his feet, the sergeant stood at 6foot4, while Jay was standing at just 5foot.

"Want to go home" Jay whimpered, tears building his eyes again

"Don't cry buddy, do you want a cuddle, and then we can drive you home?" Antonio asked softly

"Mmm" was Jay hummed, stumbling into Antonios arms, and crying tiredly, the two men finding out his secret had been overwhelming and now all he wanted was sleep

"Don't cry buddy, I've got you, it's ok" Antonio soothed, gently swaying Jay to try and calm him down

"Wanna go home" Jay cried, "I want to sleep"

Hank and Antonio looked at each other at a loss, they weren't sure how they were going to get him down to the car without everyone seeing. The pair stayed in the bathroom for another few minutes, before they realised that Jay had fallen asleep in Antonio's arms.

"Let's just take him back to ours, he's exhausted" Hank spoke

"You sure that won't overwhelm him even more?" Antonio asked, watching as his husband packed away the bag

"He needs the comfort, he's been doing this alone for so long" Hank sighed, brushing Jay's hair out of his eyes

"I guess you're right, can you carry him, I'll go get the car round the back so it's less people seeing him" Antonio said, shifting Jay's sleeping body into Hank's arms

The man woke slightly but soon fell back asleep when Hank started rubbing his back gently; and soon the duo were making their way down to the back where Antonio was waiting with the truck.

The drive back to the house was quiet, and Jay stayed sleeping the whole way back, his hands clutching Hanks chest tightly as he slept. The two men stayed in the car together as not to disturb him from his slumber.

An hour later, it was just Hank in the car as Antonio had gone inside to start making dinner for the evening. Soft mumbles brought Hank away from reading his book, and he turned around to see Jay slowly waking up.

"Hey buddy" Hank whispered

"Hank, need a change" Jay mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he woke up

"Come on then, let's get you inside and wr can get you changed" Hank smiled

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