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Soft cries are what awakes Antonio and Hank on Monday morning; the men had a little whom they loved as their own son. Looking at the clock, Hank sighed at how early it was; 0630 with their alarm not due to go off for another three hours.

Jay Halstead. They had adopted the little just over three years ago, he had been abused for wanting to be a little. He still had issues with trust, afraid the two men would leave him or hurt him.

The boy had a headspace of 1 years old, and it was very rare that "big" Jay was seen, unless he was sick. Even when he was big Jay, he had childish tendencies, and right now he was on the edge of being big and little.

"I'll get him" Antonio yawned, rolling out of the bed and shuffling into the bedroom that the little slept in

Walkinh into the room, Antonio thought the baby would be cryinf due to dropping his dummy or having a nightmare; he didn't expdct to see the man sitting up in tears, a fever present on his face.

"Oh buddy, what's wrong?" Antonio asked softly

"My mouth hurts" Jay cried, he was leaning more towards little Jay but big Jay was also there just in case

"Oh baby boy, can papa have a look?" Antonio asked softly, sitting next to Jay who shiffled straight into the mans lap

"Hurts papa" Jay whimpered, letting himself slip completly

As soon as Jay opened his mouth, Antonio could see the issue, the poor littles wisdom teeth were trying break through. It was clearly bad aa it was causing his little mind set to break out completely as usually with big Jay he hid it from them.

"Let's go see daddy, he'll know what to do" Antonio soothed, picking the smaller body up and cuddling him close

"Papa" Jay cried, stuffinf his feverish head into Antonios neck, his hands gripping the mans sleep shirt tightly

"I know baby boy, I know" was all the Hispanic could sooth as he walked into the main bedroom

"What's up with my little boy?" Hank asked softly, he had never seen the little this upset before

"My mouth hurts daddy" Jay cried, reaching for the elder man

Antonio looked at his husband and mouthed "wisdom teeth", and the elder nodded knowingly, the man was going to need to come out of his headspace so they could take him to the dentist.

"Baby, can we speak with big Jay please?" Hank asked softly

"No, little" the smallest cry, his speech muffled from where he was hidden in Hanks neck

"Just for a few moments little man, and then you can go back to little Jay" Antonio soothed, sitting next to Hank and rubbing the upset mans back

It went silent, apart from small sniffles from the body that was attached to Hank, before the body tensed up and tried to pull away from the elders body. Hank didn't let him though, knowing even as Big Jay, the man still very much loved the contact.

"We need to take you to the dentist Jay, and you can't be little when we do that" Antonio explained softly, watching the smallest man turn his head to look at him

"I don't wanna be Big Jay" was all the smaller man mumbled, hands reaching for Antonios

"I know my love, but this isn't something that they will understand, and it'll be easier to treat you as Big Jay" Hank continued, his hands having moved from the littles back to now running them through his hair

"But it's not nice being Big Jay" the little mumbled, fiddling with the rings that were on Antonios fingers

"I know baby, but just for the dentist appointment and then you can be little again, I promise" Hank soothed

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