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Hank smiled softly as he walked into the hospital room that his young Detective, Jay Halstead was sleeping in, the man had been thrown from a height and broken his pelvis and fractured his spine. The young man had been in a medically induced coma for a week while his bidy healed from the injuries he had sustained.

It had been confirmed that he wouldn't be paralysed but it would be a very long process of recovering. He wouldn't walk unaided ever again, and would need extensive medical care in order to get back to some sort of normal. His pelvis had healed, and now it was all up to Jay to wake up and start the recovery process.

"How's he doing?" Hank asked softly, speaking to the red headed doctor who was sat watching the young police detective

"Pretty good, he slept through the night with no problems, they took off the ventilator this morning, so now it's just a waiting game until he wakes up" Will said, holding his younger brothers hand

"I phoned Justin, he's on his way back from Fort Benning, should be here in a couple of hours" Hank said, sitting the other side of Jay

"Have you found anything about who attacked him?" Will asked, looking at the older Sergeant

"My team have leads, and their following them as we speak, we will catch them Will" Hank promised

A whimper from the bed brought the men's attention to the figure on the bed, his hands reached for the breathing mask that was resting on his face. Jay awoke to a world of pain, and bo memory of how he got into the hospital; all he remembered was going to speak to the suspect in their recent case.

"Leave that little brother, it's ok, you're in the hospital, there was an accident while you were working" Will said, speaking softly

"Will, it hurts" Jay whimpered, opening his eyes slowly

"I know buddy" Will sighed, running his fingers through Jays hair softly

"Hey son, Justins on his way, we will find out who did this too you, but for now focus on getting better" Hank spoke, taking his son in laws hand and squeezing it gently

"I don't remember what happened boss, I went to talk to the suspect and then it all goes blank" Jay croaked, looking at Hank with unshed tears in his eyes

"It's ok, leave it to us, we will bring you justice" Hank said, kissing Jays forehead gently

A knock on the treatment room door broke the pair apart, and Connor Rhodes walked in, smiling at his husband Will and then shaking Hanks hand. The man turned towards Jay, a soft smile on his face as he took in the sight in front of him.

"Good to see you awake Jay, how you feeling?" Connor asked softly

"Hurts and I want Justin" Jay whispered, hands reaching to lift the oxygen mask

"You're on the highest painkillers so I can't give you anymore, but we do need to talk about your injuries" Connor spoke

"Can I still be a Detective?" Jay asked quietly

"At the moment, I don't have an answer, you're going to need extensive physio therapy in order to learn to walk again, one day at a time" Connor said

"When can I go home?" Jay asked

"Once Justin is here we can talk about it, you're going to need a lot of support Jay, you won't be able to live independently" Connor sighed

"I know it's alot to take in Jay, but you're not alone" Will said softly, moving to stand next to his husband

"Has anyone heard from Justin?" Connor asked

"Yea, he landed half and hour ago, Adam is picking him up so they should be here soon" Hank said, looking at his phone

"Do you want to try the frame Jay or a wheelchair?" Connor asked, pushing a wheelchair into the room while holding a pair of crutches

Jay pointed at the frame, he didn't want to sit useless in a wheelchair and he knew he had enormous upper strength to carry himself on the frame. Connor nodded, walking towards Jay and helping him shift his legs off the side of the bed, shushing him as he whimpered.

"This is going to be uncomfortable, but we need to see how badly you're legs have been affected" Connor soothed

"I want Justin" Jay whispered, leaning heavily against Connor as he shuffled towards the end of the bed

"He's coming bud" Connor whispered, helping Jay place his feet flat on the floor

"You'll hold on to me right?" Jay asked softly, hands resting on Connors shoulders

"I won't let go, slowly does it" Connor whispered

Will and Hank watched as Connor helped the young detective onto his feet, his legs automatically shaking from the oressure of holding up his body weight. A very clear expression of pain flashed through Jays face and he let out a sob as he tightened his grip on Connors shoulders.

"You're doing well Jay, now I'm going to stand behind you and Will is going to stand infront with the frame" Connor said

Jay had his eyes closed as he evened his breathing out, he could feel his legs shaking from the pressure, and flinched slightly as he felt connor put his hands on his hips which were tender from the surgery he'd had.

"Can I make take over from you Connor?" a voice spoke, and Jay looked up to see his fiancée in the doorway dressed in his military fatigues

"Justin" Jay whispered, tightening the grip on the frame in front of him

"Hi beautiful" Justin smiled, walking forward and taking Connors place behind Jay, placing gentle kisses on the mans neck

"You're home" Jay mumbled, leaning back onto Justin slightly and taking in his familiar scent

"Yea baby, I'm not going back" Justin whispered

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