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"Trudy, we need you at the scene, two tender age children" a voice cut through the radio

"On my way, Connors cover the desk" Trudy shouted, running out the district to where a car was already waiting for her

Arriving at the scene, Trudy was met by Hank Voight and Alivin Olinkskey both whom looked incredibly worried.

"There's two boys in there, terrified and won't let anyone near them, the eldest has your card clutched in his hands" Hank filled Trudy, which when she realised what house they were at

"Al, what happened?" Trusy asked as she walked towards the house

"Father has been arrested for child abuse, they are both in quite a bad way, the youngest more than the eldest" Adam said

"I gave Will my card 4 years ago, he was only 6 the first time I met him, Jay wasn't even 2 yet" Trudy admitted

Hank and Alvin allowed the woman in on her own to talk to the scared children, as soon as Will saw her he ran from where he was hiding and hugged the elder desk sergeant close. Tears were running down his face, and cries of oain could be heard.

"Where's Jay buddy?" Trudy asked gently, speaking about the younger Halstead

"Daddy locked him in the closest, I can't get him out" Will cried, the 10 year clutching Trudys shirt tightly

"aok, I'll get him, can you follow my friend here to the ambulance" Trudy asked softly, pointing at Harley who smiled sweetly at the small boy

"She won't hurt me?" Will asked innocently, breaking both womens hearts

"No I won't" Harley promised, reaching out with her pinky finger, the young boy joining his with hers

"Be quick Miss Trudy, he's scared" Will whispered, holding Harleys hand gently as she guided him out the house

"Of course, Greg come help me" Trudy asked, watching the blonde detective walk forward

The two detectices walked towards the closest, and small cries of help could be heard; the voice was quiet and soft yet they could hear the pain and fear in his voice.

Greg made quick motions of unlocking the closest, and was met with a small body crashing into his. The force wasn't much but still took her by surpise.

"I sorry, I dindt mean to" the boy cried, body shaking in fear

"Hey buddy, shush, you remember me?" Trusy asked gently, kneeling down beside the little body

"Miss Trudy" the 6 year old whispered, throwing himself at the woman who hugged him gently

"You're ok, he can't hurt you anymore" Trudy whispered


That had been 20 years ago, and once the Halstead brothers had been thrown into the system they had lost contact with 'Miss Trudy' and 'Mister Hank' who had saved them from their father.

Will was now a doctor at Chicago Mes, whereas his younger brother had done 8 years in the military and was about to start a job with the Intelligence Team over at the 21st District.

Walking up the stairs towards the desk, Jays eyes went wide as he recognised the woman who stoof in fromt of him.

"Miss Trudy" Jay whispered quietly

"Ah you must be the new guy" Trudy was cut off by the man running round the desk and embracing her in a tight hug

"I never got to say a proper thank you for saving me" Jay whispered

"Sorry, but do I know you?" Trudy asked, confused as to why the new detective was hugging her so tight

"You really don't remember me, Miss Trudy?" Jay asked, slightly hurt

"Oh my god, Jay Halstead" Trudy yelled, hugging the man tightly, remebering how he had hugged her when she had gotten him out of that closest so many years ago

"Will and I tried to find you, but they never gave us any information" Jay spoke, wiping tears from his eyes

"I'm so glad to see you, come on, Hank will he delighted its you" Trudy smiled, guiding the man upstairs to where the Intelligence Team were working

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