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Jay Halstead was sat in front of Officer Adam Ruzek and his Detective Hailey Upton, both with stern glares on their faces as they looked atvthe small man in front of them.

The brown haired man was a potential suspect in a case they were investigating; military personnel stealing weapons from the armoury. The man was shaking in fear, and from the file they had of the man, the war had changed him.

"Halstead, we need to know if you're involved" Hailey sighed, the man hadn't spoken a word since he was arrested, instead he was sat staring at the table

"You know you'll get life, and loose the honourable status you have?" Adam muttered, loosing his patience with the war veteran

Instead of replying, Jay looked up at AdamX a flicker of fear making itself known in his brown eyes, tears welling up in the corner. He shook his head, trying to bring his hands to his face but couldn't as he was still hand cuffed.

"You want those off, you tell us where you're involved" Hailey said, surprised when the man shook his head faster, small whimpers leaving his mouth

"You'll become a disgrace to the Military; you were a Leuitenant of Tier One, serving your country for 10 years, and now you're stealing weapons from your own people" Adam snarled, his patience wearing thin

"Is that what you want Jay?" Hailey asked

The two police officers watched as the man infront of them tried to yank his hands free from the handcuffs, eyes frantic and his breathing harsh.

"We need an answer Jay" Adam muttered

"NO" Jay suddenly shouted, "Not me"

"Then explain why you're name is on all the sign out sheets" Hailey argued back

"Not me, please believe me" Jay cried, yanking harder at the handcuffs

"Help us then, what do you know?" Adam asked, eyes searching Jay for a hint of anything

"Mouse, want Mouse" Jay muttered, pulling harder and crying out when he felt his wrist pop

"Stop pulling, you're hurting yourself" Hailey sighed

"Off, need them off, need Mouse" was all Jay cried

"Who is Mouse, and we can't take them off until you're cleared ad a suspect" Adam groaned

"Greg, Mouse" Jay muttered, still pulling hard at the cuffs, his right wrist definitely broken

"As in Sergeant Greg Gerwitz?" Adam asked

"Yes Mouse; need off" Jay whimpered, nodding his head when he heard his husbands name

Adam stood slowly, stepping out of the interrogation room and wuickly phoning Greg, surprised when the man swore and hung up the phone quickly. He was even more surprised when his Sergeant came round the corner, face full of anger.

"You arrested my husband, and didn't think to notify me first?" Greg yelled

"How was we meant to know, he has Halstead as his last name" Adam yelled back

"If you actually read the file, you'd have seen that I am his next of kin and career" Greg growled, pushing past Adam and into the room where Jay was sat

"Mouse, off, need off" Jay cried, eyes settling on his husband

"I know baby, give me the keys Hailey" Greg said, leaving no room for an arguement

"Hurts Mouse, wrist hurts" Jay cried, flinching when Greg released the cuffs

"I bet it does beautiful, I think you've broken it, how hard was he pulling the cuffs?" Greg asked

"Pretty hard, and practically the whole time we questioned him" Hailey whispered

"You better be waiting for me in my office when I return, the both of you" Mouse growled, gently helping Jay onto his feet

"Will" Jay whispered, cradling his right hand close to his chest

"Yea baby, we're going to see Will, can I have a look at your hand please?" Mouse asked once yhe two officers had left the room

"Don't touch" Jay whimpered, eyes filling with tears again

"Ok, I won't touch it, but can I see it please" Mouse asked softly, wincing at how bruised and swollen the mans hand was

"Hurts Mouse, want Will" Jay whimpered, shuffling into Mouses arms

"Come on then" Mouse whispered, guiding Jay towards the car park

The pair walked slowly to the car, small sniffles leaving Jays mouth but Mouse was happy to say he was slowly calming down. Opening the truck, Mouse helped his husband into the car, doibg up his seatbelt for the man before rubbing round to the drivers side.

Jay stayed quiet the whole car journey to Med, hand still cradled close to his chest, but no longer crying. Mouse looked ovet every so often but didn't make any sudden movements knowing his partner was in a vulnerable place.

"Baby, we're here, can you get out the car for me?" Mouse asked softly

"Will" Jay whispered, unbuckling his seat belt and sliding out of the car

"Yea come on baby, we are going to see him" Mouse smiled

"Hand hurts" Jay repeated, walking slowly besides Mouse

"I know baby" Mouse soothed, gently wrapping his arm around Jays waist

Will met the two men at reception, a small smile on his face as he took in the timid stance Jay had while his husband took a more dominant and protective stance.

Mouse guided his lover towards the older Halstead, who quickly brought his little brother in for a gentle hug. Jay held out his hand, eyes wide in pain, all he wanted was for his older brother to fix it.

"Hurts Will" Jay whispered timidly, other hand reaching back for Mouse

"I bet it does, come on, let's fo get it fixed" Will said softly, allowing Jay to lead the way into the examination room

It was a quick diagnosis, a broken wrist, so an hour later Jay was sent home with a red cast on and some painkillers. The small man was exhausted, and couldn't wait to grt into his warm bed and cuddle in to Mouse.

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