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Being 30 weeks pregnant in the middle of Chiagcos hottest summer was not something Jay was enjoying very much. It was his first baby, and unfortunately had not been out of choice, he had been assulted on an under cover operation, and a baby had been the lasting effect.

The team were ever so supportive, Antonio even allowing him to move in with him so he had someone to support him at all times. Jay had needed it, the amount of anxiety he had everyday was immense, worrying about everything that could go wrong.

Currently, Jay was sat in the Bull Pen sipping at a lukewarm cup of tea while he tried to make sense of the case in front of him. His right hand was sat on his swollen belly, while his small son kicked and wriggled around. The baby had been active from the very start, and it had caused Jay to have many sleepless nights.

"You doing ok this morning?" Antonio asked softly

"Won't stop moving" was all Jay mumbled, shifting in his seat

"If you want a nap, you're more than welcome to sleep in the break room" Antonio smiled

Jay only nodded, setting the tea down and using the desk to pull himself up; as he stood he let out a pained gasp as a cramp run through the front of his belly and round his back. Antonio was quick to wrap an arm around Jay as the younger bent over, short gasps leaving his mouth.

"You ok?" Antonio asked, helping Jay stand back up

"Yea, just stood up too quick I think" Jay muttered, taking Antonios hand and waddling slowly towards the break room

"Ok, woah" Antonio gasped as Jay once again kneeled over and gripped Antonios hand tightly

"Is he ok?" Hank asked, rushing out to help the pair

"Cramps, probably just Braxton Hicks" Jay whimpered, straightening back up and continuing to waddle slowly to thw break room

Antonio helped him sit down, letting out a soft laugh at the sigh of relief that Jay let out when he was off his swollen ankles. Hank sat down next to Jay, placing a hand on the mans stomach, smiling as he felt the small baby wriggle around.

"You want another tea?" Antonio asked, getting a second cup when Jay nodded

"Urghhh" the pregnant man suddenly groaned, curling into himself as another pain ripped throu his stomach

"You're stomach has gotten pretty hard kid" Hank mentioned, looking up at Antonio with worry in his eyes

"Jay, how long have these been happening?" Antonio asked, kneeling between Jays spread legs

"Yesterday afternoon" Jay winced, gripping Antonios hand at the next cramp that ripped through his body

"Bud, I think you're maybe in labour" Hank spoke

"No, I'm not ready, he's not ready either" Jay whimpered, bending forward to lean on Antonio

Antonio just held Jay as the contraction passed, Hank moved and walked out of the room knowing that the less people in there the less stressed Jay would be. He also made sure to clear the bull pen, so that if Jay needed to, he had the full room to get ready.

"If he wants to come now, he is ready" Antonio soothed

"But" Jay started, only to be silenced by Antonio hugging him

"I promise you, he's ready kid" Antonio said, helping Jay stand up as another contraction ripped through his body

Jay was trembling, his hands had a tight grip on Antonio's shoulders while he swayed his hips back and forth. Without jostling Jay too much, Antonio placed his phone on the table, having sent Hank a text that if he needed him he'd shout.

"Tonio" Jay groaned, he could feel pressure building as another contraction pulled through, squeaking as he felt water rush out of him and onto the floor

"It's ok, want me to call Will?" Antonio asked

"Yea, I want Will" Jay whimpered, eyes clenched shut tightly

"Just keep breathing, do you want to maybe walk about, nobody is about apart from us" Antonio spoke, rubbing Jays back

"Mmm, there's alot of pressure still" was all Jay mumbled

"I know bud, Will is on his way" Antonio soothed, helping Jay take off his tshirt so he was now only in his sweatpants, belly hanging low

Antonio switched to be back to chest with Jay, allowing the younger to lean his weight back onto him, while keeping up the steady sway. Antonio could tell that it was moving quick as Jay's contractions were getting closer and closer with every passing minute.

"I'm here little brother" a voice spoke and Jay almost collapsed in happiness in seeing his older brother

"I'm scared Will" Jay whispered, watching his brother lay out towels on the floor to clean up the water he had passed moments before

"Nothing to be scared of, both Antonio and I are here" Will soothed, walking forward and cupping his brothers face gently

"Mmmmmm" Jay groaned, throwing his head back onto Antonios shoulder as a harsh contraction ripped through him, and Will gently pulled down his black sweatpants

"Any idea how far he is?" Will asked Antonio

"No, but he's been in active labour since yesterday afternoon" Antonio replied, shushing Jay as he whimpered

Will only nodded, he went back to his bag which held more thick fluffy towels so that the baby would be warm, he placed them on the table before grabbing more towels and laying them on the ground as well as on the sofa so that it would stay clean.

"Need to push" Jay moaned, turning himself back round so he was hiding his head in Antonios neck

"Ok, you want to lie down or squat?" Will asked gently, taking Antonios place so the man could grab water and also go to Jay's locker where his baby bag was

"Squat, can you be infront of me, like the classes taught?" Jay asked shyly, squatting so he was facing the sofa, and Will slowly moved so he was sat infront of Jay, his hands ge toy massaging his little brothers hips

"When you need to push, you need to bore down hard ok, I'm here as is Antonio, nothing will go wrong" Will whispered softly, looking up as Antonio walked back into the room

"Will" Jay cried, his head landing on his older brother's shoulder as the want to push started getting more unbearable

"It's ok, push baby brother, Antonio is behind you, he'll catch baby" Will soothed, reaching down behind Jay's legs and smiling when he felt the head of a baby breaching his entrance

"Ok, Jay you need to push for me, baby's head is so nearly there" Antonio spoke, looking at Will
who nodded

"Urghhh, Will" Jay cried, breathing harsh as he pushed hard, letting out a loud scream as he felt the baby's head pop out of his entrance, more water splashing out onto the towels

"There we go, soft pants, the shoulders are going to hurt but I you promise once their out he will just slip out into Tonios arms" Will encouraged

Jay let out a loud scream as he pushed again, he could feel his son move slightly so he pushed again and felt a sharp pain before it stopped and a loud cry entered the room. As he was catching his breath, he rested his head on Will's chest, crying softly himself as he took in the fact that he had birthed his son.

"He's here Jay, oh he's beautiful" Antonio cheeres, wiping the baby of the liquid and blood, wrapping him in a towel as Will helped Jay into a pair of medical trousers now the placenta was also out

"Strong lungs he's got there" Will laughed, helping Jay sit down on the soft sofa while dialling for an ambulance to take his brother to Med

"Can I hold him?" Jay asked quietly, looking at the wriggling figure in Antonios arms

"Of course, he's your son" Antonio smiled, handing the small baby to Jay who instantly managed to soothe the crying baby

"Samuel William Halstead" Jay whispered, a massive smile on his face as he ran a finger down the baby's soft face

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