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Ethan Choi smiled as he looked at the small picture that was safely tucked into his wallet; it was of himself and his husband, Jay Halstead, 6 years ago when they had gotten married. Both men were Army veterans; Ethan had been discharged honourably after 10 years of service through just wanting to take a different path in life.

Jay Halstead had only been discharged a year ago; a ambush that left him and his whole team battling for their lives. Fortunately all survived but were left with injuries that would haunt them for years. Jay suffered massively with PTSD, he had scars all over his body (face included), and he had even had to have his left leg amputated above the knee due to contracting an infection.

Ethan was ever so proud of his husband, the mast 12 months had been extremely difficult; and he knew they both had a long way to go but they'd be doing it together so that what counts. Ethan was now a Trauma Surgeon at Chiagco Med while Jay was the IT technician over at the 21st District working as a Detective for the Intelligence Unit.

Currently, Ethan was working a 12-hour shift and he was dead on his feet; he wanted to be with Jay who had been struggling as he wasn't allowed to wear his prosthetic at the moment due to a sore that had appeared on his stump. He was back on crutches and sometimes even his wheelchair which was causing pretty bad anxiety.

"Ethan, Hank just phoned, Jay fell and won't let anyone help him" Connor Rhodes spoke, opening the breakroom door, startling the veteran

"Fuck, ok, I'll be back later" Ethan replied, grabbing his phone and running out to where his car was parked

It took ten minutes for Ethan to reach the district, and he threw his car into the first space he saw before running up the stairs to the Bull Pen where his husband worked. His eyes landed on Jays figure which was curled up on the floor, Antonio Dawson, sat next to him whispering to him gently.

"Hey baby" Ethan whispered, kneeling by Jays head and running his hand through the mans hair

"Can't get up Eth, I don't know what happened, I stopd up and then next thing I knew Tonio was kneeling next to me" Jay whimpered, eyes focusing on his husband slowly

"Did he hit his head?" Ethan asked, checking Jay for any injuries and not finding any

"Yea, but we checked and there was no cuts or anything" Antonio spoke, standing up and grabbing Jays bottle of water that always sat on his desk

Ethan nodded, double checking Jays spine and smiling when he found no injuries to be worried about. His next mission was to check Jays stump, so he gently took off the sock that the man always put on, and smiled when he saw that the sore was not as red as it had been previously.

"I want to get up" Jay mumbled, he was starting to get cold from being on the floor

"Of course, can you roll onto your back?" Ethan asked softly

"Yea" Jay mumbled, doing so and gripping Ethans hands when he reached down to him, gasping as he stood on his lone leg, resting his head on Ethans shoulder

"Feeling better now you're off the floor?" Ethan asked, wrapping his arms around Jays thin waist

"Want to go home" was all Jay replied, leaning heavily on Ethan

Looking up at Hank, the elder man nodded in agreement as Jay was trembling and they knew it would be better for him to go home. Ethan grabbed Jays bag, putting it on his back while keeping a gentle grip on Jays waist to stop him from fallimg over.

"We'll see you on Monday" Hank smiled

Ethan nodded, before helping Jay hop slowly down the stairs to where his car was sat, he first put Jay in the passenger side, buckling the man in before he threw the mans bag into the back seat.

"You can sleep, I'll wake you when we're home" Ethan said softly, taking Jays hand and squeezing gently

"I just want a shower and to go to bed" Jay mumbled, eyes slipping shut

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