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⚠️ SMUT ⚠️

Mouse was sat in the kitchen reading the newspaper when Jay came shuffling in, a nervous expression on his face. The younger man, stopped when he was infront of Mouse, eyes wide in anxiexty.

"You ok pumpkin?" Mouse asked gently, placing the newspaper on the table

"Can I ask you something?" Jay mumbled, hands fumbling with the strings of his hoodie

"Of course, what's up?" Mouse asked, a gentle smile on his face

"Why don't you want to have sex with me?" Jay mumbled, a blush present on his cheeks

"Baby, where is this coming from?" Mouse asked, a concerned smile on his face

"Freddy at work says that you only want me for sex, but we've never done it" Jay mumbled, stepping away from Mouse

"I'm waiting for you to be ready, sex isn't something to rush into" Mouse said softly, pulling his younger lover by his belt loops and allowing him to cuddle into his chest

"I want to" Jay mumbled, eyes looking at Mouse uncertainly

"Are you sure baby?" Mouse asked, "I don't want you to do this just because someone said so"

"No, I'm sure, you'll go slow, right?" Jay asked

"Of course" Mouse smiled, standing up and guiding Jay to the bedroom

Once in the bedroom that the men shared, Jay cautiously sat down on the bed, eyes watching as his partner walked in behind him. Mouse could see that Jay was nervous, but he also knew he wanted to do this.

"You sure you want this baby?" Mouse asked as he grabbed lube from the drawer

"Yea, I do" Jay whispered, still watching Mouse's every movements

"Ok, can you take off your shirt and tracksuit bottoms for me please baby boy" Mouse asked gently, as he also did the same

Jay only nodded, slowly pulling his tracksuit bottoms down, and peeling off the bacl
tshirt he had on. He shivered as he felt the warmth leave his body, but he quickly warmed again as Mouse came over and cuddled him.

"Can you lay on your back baby boy, spread your legs, there we go" Mouse smiled, watching as his shorter boyfriend laid down on the bed witb bis legs spread for easy access

"Slowly though" Jay mumbled, hands fumbling with the sheets below him

"Of course baby boy" Mouse smiled, popping the cap of the lube and coating his fingers in it knowing his boy would be tight and he didn't want to hurt Jay

"Will it hurt bubba?" Jay asked quietly as he watch Mouse lube his fingers up

"A little bit at first, but I'll be gentle" Mouse promised, placing his non lube hand on Jays knee to bring some comfort

"Ok" Jay nodded and Mouse took it as way of Jay saying he was ready

Keeping eye xontact with Jay, the older man gently traced down the virgin hole that was his boyfriends. Inserting the first finger, Mouse leaned over and kissed Jay gently, taking his mind off the pain.

Feeling the boy relax, he gently shifted a second finger in, scissoring him open gently while also keeping up the gentle kissing. Jay was letting out soft whimpersas Mouse fingered him, and then a soft moan when he felt his partner hit that special spot.

"Feel good baby boy?" Mouse asked, adding a third finger, while his other hand pumped Jays harding erection

"Bubby" was all Jay moaned, eyes closed in pleasure, his hands gripping the sheets with a tight grip

Mouse chuckled softly, pulling his fingers out of Jay gently, leaning back on his knees. Jay let out a whimper as he no longer felt full, opening his eyes, he moaned as he watched Mouse pump himself to fullg erect while also lubing up his cock.

"Do you want me to wear a condom baby boy?" Mouse asked

"Is ok, want to feel you" Jay whispered, eyelids hooded in pleasure

Mouse nodded, with one last tug of his cock, he leaned down and kissed Jay hard. He knew this next bit was going to cause his younger lover a lot of discomfort so he wanted to make sure he was comfortable as possible.

Jay couldn't help the whimper that left his lips as he felt his older boyfriend push into his tight hole, his hands coming to grip Mouse's shoulders. Mouse stopped and gently nudged his nose into Jays neck, pressing gentle kisses to help him breath.

"You're ok baby boy, I'm not going to rush" Mouse soothed, continuing to push in gently when Jay nodded

"Hurts Mouse" Jay whimpered, and Mouse stopped again, brushing the tears that were falling from Jays eyes

"I know baby, you're doing so well" Mouse cooed, not making any movement until Jay was ready

"Ok, ok, slowly" Jay whispered, whimpering as he felt Mouse bottom out

"There we go, I'll wait, let you get used to it" Mouse said softly, his right hand coming to brush Jays hair out of his face

"Feels weird" Jay mumbled, eyes opening slowly to meet Mouse's

"I know baby boy, can I move, I'll go slow" Mouse asked gently

His response came on the form of a nod, and he gently pulled out before pushing back in, bringing a moan from the smaller. Jays eyes were once again closed, and Mouse soon picked up a rthym that had Jay crying out in pleasure.

"I'm gonna flip you Jay, you happy to ride me?" Mouse asked, smiling when Jay nodded shyly

Mouse msde it a quick position change; not pulling out of Jay and grabbing the smallers hips as he settled him on his lap. Jay was breathing heavily, eyes hooded and little grunts of pleasure leaving his mouth as he felt Mouse shift inside of him.

"How you feeling baby boy?" Mouse asked, gently thrusting up into Jay

"Feels so good, my tummy feels weird" Jay panted, having gotten a sudden bout confidence and meeting Mouse's thrusts

"Just let it happen baby boy, I'm gonna cum soon" Mouse moaned, left hand reaching for Jays cock that was dripping steadily onto his thigh

"Faster, please Mouse" Jay cried, he felt so good

Mouse nodded, grabbing Jays hips and thrusting up harshly, watching as the smaller man came apart on his lap. It didn't take long before Mouse felt Jay clench around his cock, and the younger came hard, Mouse thrusting harshly before he buried his head into Jays neck as he came inside his lover.

Jay had fallen onto Mouses chest, breathing heavily while he came down from the high he had just experienced. Mouse gently lifted Jay off his lap, pulling out which caused Jay to whimper as it was an uncomfortable feeling.

"You did so good baby boy" Mouse whispered after a while of silence

"Tired bubby" Jay whispered, once he had been cleaned up by Mouse, he had retired back on Mouse's chest

"Sleep baby boy, I'm not leaving" Mouse soothed

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