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15 year old Jay Halstead sighed as he walked into the house he shared with his older brother, he'd had a terrible day at school and couldn't wait to spend the next two days with Will. The house was quiet when he walked in, the only light on in the living room, it struck Jay as odd as Will always finished work early on a Friday.

"Will, you home?" Jay shouted, kicking off his shoes and throwing his bag at the door

There was no reply, so Jay wandered into the kitchen, grabbed a snack and a bottle of water before heading into the living room. He opened the door, and gasped as his eyes landed on his brother, the man was on the floor, not moving and by the looks of it, not breathing either.

"Will" Jay gasped, dropping the items he had in the floor and running to his sibling

He threw himself down onto his knees, resting his head on Will's chest, trying to stop himself from crying when he couldn't hear the older mans heart through his chest. With shakey hands, Jay tried to find a pulse, letting out a sob when he couldn't find one.

"Will please, wake up" Jay cried, shaking the cold body of his brother

The teen fumbled in his pocket for his phone, unlocking it while he whimpered out to his brother who still laid motionless on the living room floor. Scrolling through his contacts, he clicked on the one person he knew would be able to help him; his grandma Trudy Platt.

The woman was their actual grandmother, she had taken that role as she often babysat the boys when they were growing up. Once their parents died, she took up a more permanent role, especially in the younger Halsteads life; picking him up when his brother couldn't, allowing Jay to sleep over on nights Will worked.

"Grandma, Will won't wake up" Jay cried, hearing the call connect and the voice of Trudy fill the speaker

"What do you mean buddy?" Trudy asked, stopping what she was doing, grabbing the attention of Hank Voight

"I came home from school, and he's just lying on the floor, he's not answering me" Jay cried

"Ok, breathe buddy, Hank and I are on the way" Trusy rushed out, throwing the Sergeant the keys to his truck

"Don't hang up, please don't hang up" Jay cried, curling up beside Will

"I'm here kiddo, just breathe" Trudy soothed, getting Hank to also phone an ambulance to meet them at the Halstead house

"Will, please wake up, don't leave me on my own" Jay whimpered, breaking both Trudy and Hanks heart

The pair arrived at the same time as Ambulance 51; Brett and Shay jumping out from the front, the women grabbing bags that had their equipment in. The four walked quickly to the front door, opening it and walking into the living room where Jay was laid cuddling with Will who was gray and cold.

"Jay, come on bud, let's go into the kitchen" Trusy whispered softly, reaching out her hand for Jay to take

"He's not breathing grandma" Jay cried, taking Trudys hand and holding it tightly

"I know bud, come on, let's get you out of here" the woman sighed, knowing Will was passed saving

It was an hour later that it was confirmed Will had suffered a heart attack, they could only assume from stress. Jay had broken down in Trudys arms, refusing to let go as he cried loudly, he now had no living family members left.

"You can stay with me buddy, you're not alone" Trudy soothed, holding the teen close as he continued to cry

"I want to stay with Will though" Jay cried, he knew it wasn't possible but in his mind it hadn't really dropped that his brother wasn't coming back

"I know kiddo, but Will isn't coming back, let's go see Mouch, get you calmed down" Trusy soothed, guiding Jay towards the truck, helping him into the backseat

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