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Will Halstead had always been protective of his little brother, from the age of 8 when the little 3 year old sibling had been shoved while playing at the park, to now when the elder was 28 and the younger 23.

His brother was the sensitive type. He would cry at the simplest of things, get overwhelmed at loud noises or sudden movements. So when one of the doctors at Med mentioned that Autism was what had caused this.

Will found himself feeling slightly better as know he was able to help his small brother, and make sure he was always happy.

Jay was currently trying to find a job but with him having issues with getting overwhelmed nobody would give him one. Slowly he was loosing hope, and his older brother could see it in his eyes.

"Buddy, come on, you need to go to this interview, Sergeant Platt is expecting you at 0900" Will whispered, as he watched Jay eat his cereal

"But nobody wants a freak" Jay whispered, hands coming to his ears to fiddle with them

"You are not a freak buddy, you're different but a good different" Will soothed reaching for Jays hands to stop him pulling his ears

"Can you drive me?" Jay asked, flinching from Wills touch but then pulling the elders hand back to hold

"Of course buddy" Will smiled, picking up the bowl with the half eaten cereal, before pushing Jay towards the bathroom for him to brush his teeth

Will made quick progress in cleaning the kitchen up, and turned round when he heard Jay come back in. He smiled softly at his little brother who was dressed in plain jeans, a soft tshirt and a fleece.

His comfort clothing.

In his hand was a soft blanket, the only comfort item that Jay had ever had and took everywhere with him. Even now at 23.

"Ready to go bud?" Will asked

"Yea, will I have to leave blankie in the car?" Jay asked nervously

"Yes you will, but don't worry, I'll keep him safe" Will promised

Getting Jay settled in the car, he quickly started the car and the two brothers made the short 15 minute drive to where the 21st District stood proudly.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Will asked

"No, I got it" Jay whispered, hands creeping to his ears

"Jay, look at me, you're going to be fine, Trudy is a good friend of mine" Will soothed gently, taking Jays hands away from his ears and kissing them gently

"I'll call you when I'm done" Jay whispered, handing his blankie to Will before sliding out of the car and walking slowly into the district

The district was loud, and poor Jay was already struggling with it. His ears could ear every movement that was going on and he wished he had asked Will to come in with him.

Looking around, his eyes landed on a stern looking woman who was standing proudly as she looked over the buzzing district.

He walked over slowly, hands wanting to fiddle with his ears but instead he stuck with just fiddling with fleece. As he got to the desk, his anxiexty growing.

"Can I help you?" Trust asked, eyeing the small man in front of her

"Jay Halstead, I have an interview" Jay whispered shakily

"Ah yes, please follow me" Trudy said, watching as the man infront of her nodded slowly

Trudy started up the stairs, smiling softly at the man as he followed timidly. She knew that the young man in front of her had Autism, and Will Halstead had explained that he was incredibly smart with seeing small details that sometimes people missed.

She had mentioned it to Hank Voight who had decided he wanted to meet the younger Halstead to see what he could offer.

"Jay, we are going upstairs, the team can be pretty overwhelming but don't worry ok, I won't let them hurt you" Trudy said softly, placing a gentle hand on the small boys back

"Ok" Jay whispered, hands now fiddling with his ears, Trudy noticing how it had calmed him

"Platt, who's that?" a loud voice asked, and Trudy noticed how Jay cowered in on himself

"Adam quiet, this is Jay, he'll be working with you guys soon" Trudy answered

"Trudy come into my office" Hank said, smiling at the small Halstead who looked ready to cry

Trudy guided the small Halstead into the office, watching the fiddling of his ears get more. She softly pushed the man into a chair and nodded at Hank to begin talking.

"Jay, your brother talks incredibly high of you" Hank started, watching the small smile that presented on Jays face

"Nobody wants to hire a freak" Jay whispered, wanting nothing more than to go hone

"You have Autism, it doesn't make you a freak, you can help our team" Hank sighed, Will had mentioned that Jay struggled to understand he wasn't a freak

"How, I can't talk to people without freaking out, I freak out at loud noises and hate having restrictions on me" Jay threw out

"You're a smart man, and Will tells me you are good at figuring out puzzles" Trudy said, reaching for the mans hands and doing the technique of holding them loosing like Will had shown her

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