
591 16 5

Connor 28
Will 25
Jay 8


"I'm going to Connors this weeked" Jay stated early Friday morning

"Don't care" Pat snapped, throwing a glare at his youngest son

"You're really mean, wish mum was still here" Jay mumbled, flinching as Pat slammed a hand down on the wooden table

"Shut the fuck up runt, you're the reason she's gone" Pat snarled

"No, it's you and your alcoholic self" Jay argued, eyes widening when his father stood up abrutly

Jay cried out when he was pulled out of his chair, and thrown out of the kitchen; Pat threw the first punch to his sons face, following with a kick that knocked the small 8 year old to the ground.

"Stop" Jay cried, trying to curl up and protect his head

"No, you need to learn your fucking lesson" Pat yelled, shoving Jays beaten body out of the way as he staggered out of the house

Once Jay knew he was gone, he burst into tears, he could feel blood trickling down his face from where his dad had hit him. He slowly stood up, whimpering as he jostled his body that was already starting to bruise.

He stumbled to the house phone, dialling his eldest brothers number, praying that the man would answer. He could have cried when he heard the call connect but instead of his brother it was another voice.

"Connors phone" a gruff voice answered

"Can I speak to Connor please?" Jay asked, wiping tears from his face, whimpering as he touched the cut that was above his eye brow

"Who are you?" the voice asked

"I'm his brother, please can I speak to Connor" Jay whimpered

Connor was 28, and the eldest of the three Halstead brothers; he lived in a flat with his fiancée but Jay had never met him. Pat had stopped the littlw boy seeing his older brothers a year after his mother died.

Gracie had passed away from cancer when Jay was 4 years old; she had tried to hold on for longer but the illness over took her frail body. It caused a riff in the family; Connor had moved out already, Will left for medical school and poor Jay was left with Pat.

"Nugget?" a sleepy voice asked through the phone

"Bubby, can you come get me?" Jay cried, holding the phone tightly

"Of course, what's wrong?" Connor asked, pushing Hank out of the bed and rushing to get dressed

"Daddy hit me, and it's bleeding loads" Jay cried

"Ok, bubby is coming, is dad still in the house?" Connor asked, running out the front door with Hank following him closely

Jay wouldn't let Connor hang up the phone so Hank jumped into the drivers side as his fiancée directed him towards a house that looked extremely run down. As soon as the car was parked, Connor jumped out and ran up to the door.

"Nugget, it's bubby, can you open the door?" Connor asked, knocking softly on the front door

Hank stood behind Connor and watched as the door was flung open and a small body threw itself at Connor. His younger lover caught the body without even falling back, hugging it close as the loud cries made themselves heard.

"Breathe nugget, bubby's got you" Connor soothed

"I want Will" Jay cried, clinging to his oldest brother tightly

"We're going to see him, come on" Connor shushed, shutting the door of the house and carrying his youngest brother to the car

Connor sat in the back with Jay cuddled to his chest, the eldest Halstead had yet to properly look at Jays head. The smaller boy had stopped crying and was quietly sniffling as he cuddled into oldest brother.

"How come you never told me you had another brother?" Hank asked as he started driving to Med

"We stopped getting to see him 4 years ago" Connor said quietly

"I'm not mad babe, just worried that your dad is going to try and get him back" Hank spoke, looking theough the rear view mirror af his partner

"I don't think Jay will want to go back to dads" Connor replied, shushing Jay when he whimpered

"I'll make sure he doesn't, he can live with us" Hank said sternly, reaching across for his radio and alerting a team to go collect the man

"Thank you" Connor smiled

The pair soon arrived at Med where Will was waiting for them; a worried smile on his face as he opened the back door.

"Hey nugget" Will said softly, gently taking his brother out of Connors arms

"Bubba" Jay mumbled, lifting his head to look at his middle brother

"That's a nasty cut nugget" Will sighed, walking Jay into a treatment room, Connor and Hank following behind

"Daddy did it" Jay muttered, resting his head on Wills shoulder, the gentle sway of his brother walking soothing him

Will only shushed him, placing him on the treatment bed and gently pulling off the blood stained tshirt. He smiled as his older brother waled in, nodding at Hank whom had really become a massive part of the family.

"He's going to need stitches" Will whispered, coming over to Connor

"Put to sleep or just local?" Connor whispered back, looking at his brother who had latched onto Hank

"He's too upset to put to sleep, and it's going to take maybe 5 or 6 at most" Will sighed

"Ok, let's get it over with" Connor whispered, running a hand through his hair

Connor stood up, making his way over to Jay and gently taking him into his own arms; while Will started to get everything ready to stitch up his little brother.

"Nugget, you're going to need stitches, but Will is going to be gentle and quick ok" Connor soothed

"Is it going to hurt?" Jay asked innocently

"A little bit, but we're going to put numbing cream on to make it a little bearable" Will explained

Jay nodded, leaning his head on Connors shoulder, watching Wills every move and flicnhing as the red haired brother started to put cold cream on his forehead.

"I'm also going to inject some numbing magic, it's only going to hurt for a minute, I promise" Will said softly, motioning for Connor to sit down and tighten his grip on the 8 year old

"Bubby" Jay whimpered, bursting into fresh tears as Will injected the local anethetic into his forehead

"I know nugget, nearly done" Connor soothed, covering Jays eyesas Will picked up the needle to stitch his cut

The smallest Halstead cried the whole ordeal, trying his hardest to get away from Connor and Will but the older man had a death grip on his brother. It was breaking their hearts at how scared he sounded, and after 20 minutes Will was finished.

"It's over nugget" Connor soothed, placing the small plaster over the wound

"Hank" was all Jay cried, reaching for the older Sergeant

"It's ok buddy, you're ok" Hank soothed, hugging the trembling body close

"Want to go home" Jay cried, hiding his face in Hanks neck, while reaching blindly for Connor and Will

The two older brothers were quick to move, wrappibg themselves into a big group hug, and whispering sweet nothings into the younger boys ears. They all felt Jay relax, and his loud sobs turned into soft sniffles as the warmth of his family calmed him down.

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