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Once again, Jay Halstead found himself having to miss a day of work due to having a black eye and split lip. At 17 years old, he lived at home woth his abusive dad, Pat Halstead who had been making his life living hell since he was a toddler.

He had a part time job as a mechanic for the local car garage down the road, and had been working there since he was 16. He hated it. All he wanted was to work for the Intelligence Unit that was run by Hank Voight.

He had seen the news about the older Sergeant, and had followed all cases the team caught from beginning to end. Jay knew it would never happen though, he barely managed to get through school.

"Runt, where's my fucking beer?" Pat yelled, making Jay jump from his daydream

"We haven't got anymore dad, you drunk them all" Jay mumbled, squealing as he felt his dad grab him roughly

The sound of skin hitting skin filled the dirty apartment, Jay's loud cries of pain drowned out by the shouting of his father. The younger boy didn't remember the last time he had not been in pain from his fathers beatings.

It all stopped suddenly, but Jay stayed curled up on the floor, fearful that if he moved it would start all over again. He heard the front door slam, and the silence that followed meant his dad had left for the pub.

Standing up was a challenge and the smaller teen couldn't help the yelp that left his lips as he stood up properly. Stumbling over to the front door, he grabbed his shoes, and slid them on, tying the laces quickly.

He also grabbed the only hoody he had, which was a well worn black fleece, and threw it on, gasping as he jostled his bruised ribs. Without thinking he roughly threw the door open and shuffled to the exit.

Once out in the street, Jay started a slow walk towards the 21st District; the end goal to get his dad arrested for child abuse. Where he would go, he hadn't thought of yet, maybe to his older brothers but he had no idea where 28 year old Will lived now.

Arriving at the district, Jay took a shakey breath and walked slowly up the stairs, being met by a frowning woman stood at the front desk. He walked slowly over to her, eyes wide in fear and the adrenaline now wearing off so the pain was getting worse.

"I need to talk to Hank Voight" Jay whispered out, eyes closed in pain

"You have an appointment?" the lady drawled out

"No, please he gave me this if I ever needed him" Jay whimpered, slamming the business card on the desk

"Mmmm, do you know how many of those he gives out?" the woman continued, rolling her eyes at the kid in front of her

"Please mam, I don't want any trouble, I need to see him" Jay cried, clutching at his side

"Ok fine, sit over there" the woman groaned, pointing to the wooden bench opposite her

Jay only nodded, shuffling over to the bench and sitting down, crying out when he realised how much that aggrevated his ribs. He heard the cage doors open, and rough footsteps making their way towards him.

"Jay Halstead" a voice spoke, making the smaller man look up

"Hank, you gotta help me, you gotta get me out of that house" Jay cried, throwing himself at the older man and crying into his chest

"Woah, I thought you'd gone to live with Will?" Hank asked, hugging the teen close

"The court said he wasn't suitable, you gotta get ahold of him, please" Jay cried, breathing harsh as he tried to catch his breath

"Ok, come on, let's get you upstairs and I'll phone him" Hank soothed, helping the distraught teen stand up

Jay just continued to cry, the years of abuse catching up on his weak body. Getting up the stairs hurt so bad, and he found himself having a tight grip on Hanks arm. The older Sergeant continued to whisper soft words of encouragement into the younger mans ear to get him through the pain.

"Can you go and sit by Hailey for me buddy, and I'll call your brother" Hank whispered, guiding Jay towards a smiling blonde haired lady

"Want Will" Jay mumbled, wincing as he sat down on the hard chair

"We are getting him buddy, don't worry" Hank said gently

Getting ahold of the older Halstead wasn't difficult, and Hank was happy to hear that he was on his way over with his husband, Connor Rhodes-Halstead. The smaller Halstead had fallen asleep on Haileys lap, his small body finally resting after the stressful day.

It wasn't long before Will Halstead walked into the Bull Pen, a worried look on his face. He soon set eyes on his still sleeping brother and quickly made his way over to the smaller body.

"Jay, hey buddy, can you wake up for me?" Will asked, gently shaking his little brother

"Will, you came" Jay cried, wriggling out of Haileys arms and into Wills

"I've been trying to fond you since court, you're not going back to dad, I'm going to make sure of it" Will whispered, hugging Jay tightly as Hank walked out of his office

The whole unit smiled as the brothers reunited, they knew that the case that they had been focusing on would be taking a step back, and that they would be investigating Pat Halstead and hiw he had gotten away with child abuse for so long.

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