
459 18 0


lucas 4
charlie thomas 7
daniel 16


It had been a year since the team had found out about Jays situation; and they had been completely supportive, helping him with school runs, homework troubles and babysitting when he needed a night away. He had also fallen for his partner, Hailey Upton, over the last year; the pair had been on a couple of dates, with Hailey moving in with the family of 5 a little over two months ago.

The boys loved having a female figure in their lives again; at first they had been a bit wary afraid Hailey would hurt their dad but soon realised that she loved their dad. Lucas had started calling Hailey mum a couple months ago, with Charlie and Daniel following close behind him a few weeks ago. Thomas was slightly more afraid to let Hailey in, preferring to call her by her name still.

Jay was woken by his girlfriend rolling over and resting her head on his chest with a soft sigh; he smiled as he sat up, Hailey doing the same and resting her head on his shoulder. The pair sat in comfortable silence, Jay picking up his phone to answer emails while Hailey started to read her book. A gentle knock on the bedroom door broke the silence, and the two looked up to see the younger twin, Thomas standing anxiously at the doorway.

"You ok buddy?" Jay asked the shy 6 year old

"Don't feel well daddy" Thomas whispered, eyes on the floor as he fiddled with his fingers

Thomas had always been slightly quieter than his twin Charlie; he had also always been smaller and slower at picking things up. He had been very sick as a child, he caught meningitis when he was 3 years old, loosing his hearing so he wore hearing aids as well as needing glasses in order to see. Jay knew that was were he got a lot of his anxiety from, from spending much of his life in and out of hospital.

"Are you feeling sick or is your body feeling wobbly?" Jay asked softly, patting the bed to allow Thomas up next to him

"Wobbly" Thomas whispered, climbing in next to Jay and cuddling up to him

"Ok" Jay whispered, looking at Hailey in apology as the pair were meant to be having a date day together while the boys were at school

"I'll go see if the others are awake, take them to school" Hailey whispered, kissing Jay softly as she got out of bed

"Can I stay with you instead Hailey?" Thomas mumbled

"Yea of course I can, we can snuggle and watch movies together" Hailey smiled, climbing back into the bed, smiling aoftly as the small 6 year old shuffled closer to her side

Jay sighed in relief, maybe this would be the start of a relationship between his son and his new girlfriend; having a child with anxiety wasn't easy and adding in a new relationship had really caused a regression in Thomas and the way he coped with things.

"I'll be back in a bit bud, Hailey can call me if you need me" Jay smiled, kissing Thomas's head gently as he walked out the room

"What would you like to watch?" Hailey asked, grabbing the TV remote and turning the screen on

"Can we watch a film?" Thomas asked quietly, snuggling into the side of Haileys chest

"Of course, how about Aladdin?" Hailey offered, grabbing the duvet and covering the smaller child

The movie started, and Hailey laid down which allowed Thomas to also cuddle into her warm side, his left hand was clutching at Haileys tshirt while his right had found its way into his mouth but the woman couldn't find herself to tell him off. She was even more surprised when the smaller twin climbed onto her chest, resting his head on her shoulder.

"You're ok, sleep, I'm not going anywhere" Hailey whispered, pressing a kiss to Thomas's head, turning down the TV volume so it didn't disturb him

Instead of staying awake, Hailey found herself falling back to sleep; her hand laying on Thomas's back as he slept soundly. It was how Jay found the pair an hour later when he came back from the school run. He didn't want time disturb them, so he closed the door and started clearing away all the breakfast bits.

Hands wrapping around his waist made him jump, but he smiled as he realised it was just his girlfriend. Hailey breathed in Jays comforting scent, accepting the kiss the man gave her when he turned round to look at her.

"Is he still asleep?" Jay asked

"No, he's gone to get dressed, says he feels better now" Hailey smiled, resting her cheek on Jays chest

"Usually does if he has a slow start" Jay spoke, looking up when he heard small footsteps in the hallway

"Hi daddy" Thomas mumbled, walking towards Hailey and hugging her while reaching for Jays hand

"You feeling better?" Jay asked softly, running his hand through the childs hair

"Yea mama made it all better" Thomas whispered

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