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It had been six months since Jay had gotten himself to the district and found his true mate, rekindled with his brother and had found a proper loving family.

Jay went everywhere that Hank went, except when they went to crime scenes, because the Alpha would never forgive himself if anything happened to his Omega.

Jay was currently cuddled into Hank, he hadn't been very well recently and everyone knew that it was because Jays body was releasing the toxins from the relationship he had been in.

Jason had been picked up and arrested for abuse, and he had been in jail ever since. Jay had started sleeping through the night, and was finally comfortable with everyone in the unit. Them all having his back.

"Hank, we need to go to a scene" Antonio said, watching as the older sergeant shifted his body slightly

"He's just fallen asleep, anyway anyone can stay?" Hank asked, knowing he couldn't not turn up to the scene

"Hailey said she'll stay, he's most comfortable with her" Antonio said, smiling as Hank let out sigh of relief

"I'll be out in a second, I need to let him know what's happening" Hank said, rubbing the small Onegas back to try and wake him softly

"Nooo, sleepy" Jay whimpered, eyes staying shut

"Little one, I have to leave but you're going to stay with Hailey, ok?" Hank soothed, looking up when his eldest female Alpha turned up at his door

"But I want to stay with you, I don't feel well" Jay cried

"As soon as I'm done, we can go home and get take out" Hank promised

"Come on Jay, we can go get doughnuts if you want" Hailey said gently, smiling sadly when the Onega shook his head

"Go see Hailey little one" Hank soothed, helping Jay off his lap and pushed him towards the female Alpha

"You promise to come back?" Jay asked, leaning into Hailey who gently hugged him

"I always do" Hank smiled m, before he walked down the stairs

As soon as Hank left, Jay broke down, his bidy fighting a fever meant his emotions were all over the place. He just wanted his Alpha.

"I want Hank" Jay cried, reaching for Hailey who quickly took the Omega into her arms

"I know buddy, but I'm here, and he will come back" Hailey soothed, using her Alpha tone at the end

"Can I go back to sleep?" Jay asked, cuddling into Haileys warm body

"Of course, sleep, I'm not leaving" She soothed, sitting him on her lap

Jay was soon asleep again, and Hailey sat comfortably doing her emails while rubbing the Omegas back. Keeping her touch light, but knowing the touch was the only thing keeping the man from freaking out.

Small whimpers soon made their way out of Jays mouth though, his fever was still there and it was now causing him to feel quite nauseous. Hailey could sense this was the issue and made a quick grab to the bin next to her.

As soon as the bin was there, Jay threw up, crying as he did. He felt so unwell and his Alpha wasnt here to make him feel better. Hailey tried her hardest to calm the Omega down but she knew that when one was this upset, only their Alpha could make them feel better.

"I want Hank, please, I want" Jay cried, his breathing uneven and making him gag even more

"Ok buddy, I'm calling him, please calm a littl bit" Hailey soothed, rubbing Jays back but to no advail

"No, No, I want my Alpha" Jay cried, wriggling off Haileys lap and running into Hanks office, slamming the door behind him

Hailey quickly phoned Hank and explained the situation to him, he yelled something to the team that was with him, before Hailey heard him start his car and make his way to the district.

Instead of upsetting the small man even more, she left the Omega in Hanks office, her heart breaking at how loud the sobs were.

She was brought out of her day dreaming by Hank sprinting up the stairs, she pointed him to the office where Jay was. 

"I'm sorry, I tried to calm him down" Hailey apologised

"No, its not your fault, he isn't well, I shouldn't have left him" Hank said, wuickly making his way into his office to find his mate in tears on his chair

"Hank" Jay cried, reaching for his Alpha

"Little one, you need to calm down" Hank soothed, bringing the small body into his large one

"I didn't feel well, and I shouted at Hailey, I didn't meant to" Jay cried, stuffing his feverish head into Hanks neck

"I know little one, I know" Hank soothed, starting to sway slightly to calm his mate down

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