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It was quiet in the kitchen.

Jay was sat fiddling with the toast, but not eating it, picking it apart. Theodore sat watching sadly, and decided to take a stand.

"Please eat Jay, you're skin and bones" Theo whispered, moving to be next to the fragile man

"I want to sleep Theo" Jay whimpered, completely avoiding the last statement

"You can sleep, if you eat one slice of toast" Theo bargined, looking Jag in the eye and leaving no room for an arguement

Jay reached for Theodore's hand, which the elder veteran quickly accepted, kissing the shaking hand gently while the man mucnhed slowly on the buttered slice of toast.

Jay finally finished, and moved to sit on Theodores lap, guilt filling his mind when he felt the prosthetic on the veterans leg. Trying to get up, Theo held him down and carefully placed soft kisses on the mans neck.

"It isn't your fault, please relax" Theo whispered soothingly, feeling the younger relax just a tiny bit

"I wanna be like old times, when we were normal" Jay whispered, leaning back onto Theodore's chest

"We never stopped, I still love you, never stopped" Theo admitted, nuzzling his chin into Jays nexk

It was no lie the two veterans had dated for the last three years of their service; and it was no lie that the years that they hadn't seen each other was the hardest thing for them both.

The feelings never faded, and neither ever started looking for other people as partners. The elder had been the reason the younger had been able to sleep at night theough the pain after the ambush.

The two men sat in silence together, just enjoying the company that they hadn't realised they had missed.

Theodore gently moved Jay over slightly so that he could stand up, the chairs in the kitchen we're extremely uncomfortable and the dead weight of the sleeping veteran had given pain to his hips he hadn't felt for a while.

"Where we going" Jay slurred, waking up slightly confused

"Upstairs, we still have work tomorrow, and you aren't going to be alone tonight" Theo whispered, carefully making his way up into the cozy room

"Thank you for not forgetting about me" Jay whispered quietly, as he was laid down on the bed and tucked in

Sleep came quick for once. Once he was sure he was asleep, Theo made wuick motion of removing the prosthetic he wore everyday, and sighed as it relieved alot of tension.

He knew if Jay was to see the full extent of the scars, he would freak out once again, and Theo really didn't want to put the man through that when he had just calmed down.

Getting under the covers, he pulled the smaller veteran closer to his chest, and allowed the man to snuggle in closer. Breathing in the scene of Jay made him realise that the man hadn't actually changed that much.

Kissing the veterans head, he settled fown and hoped that the younger would have a night of settled and oeaceful sleep.

And if you asked Jay, it was the best night sleep he had ever had.


The next morning, Theo awoke first, and decided to start on a small breakfast. Hoping to get his younger and smaller partner to eat something, even if it was just a slice of toast.

Making quick progress of putting his prosthetic on, and instead of his usual chinos, he put on a pair of basketball shorts. Deciding he wouldn't rush in gettinf to work, as Jay needed the sleep to recover.

Walking downstairs, Theo made his way into the kitchen and started making toast for himself, noticing that Jay had eaten quicker when he had eaten on his own. The man had become so small, when he had been hugging him last night; his ribs could be felt through the tshirt.

"Morning" a soft voice spoke from the doorway

"Hello beautiful" Theo smiled, noticing Jays eyes had landed on his leg

"I" Jay was cut off by Theo moving forward and pressing his lips gently on Jays who squeaked in surpise

"Is a thing of the past, and I do not blame you" Theo said sternly, making Jay look him dead in his eyes

"You promise?" Jay whispered, wiping his eyes

"Yes" Theo whispered, leaning forward and capturing the veterans lips once again

Once they had settled, and gotten Jay to eat something. The men started getting changed, Theo allowing the younger to borrow some clothes from him.

Jay looked in the mirror, wearing jeans and a polo shirt thag looked massive on him, and it was then that he realised how bad he had let himself get.

Theo turned around, also wearing jeans, but instead just a plain crew neck tshirt, as well as a crew neck polo. He smiled sadly at the younger geteran, moving towards him he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You're stunning, you know that right?" Theo asked, once again kissing Jay on his neck

"I just see my flaws, I feel like I lost myself when I went overseas" Jay said

"We all did, but you've gotten so much better, Voight told me all about what you've gotten up to" Theodore said, spinning Jay round and kissing him passionately

"I really love you, and really wish I never left you" Jay whispered

"Let's get to work, you've got this" Theo smiled

The journey to the district was quiet and short, it wasn't awkward, it was soothing for Jay who had time to think about what had happened over the last 48 hours.

Looking over at the man who he had loved from the very beginning, even if he hid it from everyone, was back and even better he got to work with him again.

"Did your mother ever tell you, staring is not nice" Theo chuckled, laughing louder when Jay went a bright red colour in embarrassment

"I wasn't staring, I was admiring" Jay giggled, a smile on his face, a genuine smile

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