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Justin Voight was sat at the breakfast table alongside his adopted sister, Erin Lindsay and her fiance Hailey Upton, as they waited for the youngest being to wake from his deep slumber.

Jay Halstead was Justin's boyfriend, the pair dating for just over 5 years now, they had moved in with Erin and Hailey just over a year ago. It had been a decision made by all four to help make sure bills could be paid asll.

Soft footsteps from the hallway brought the older three out of their thoughts, and their eyes landed on a pale looking Jay who was standing shyly at the kitchen door. Justin stood up, and wandered over to his lover, pulling him by his belt loops to hold him close.

"You feel ok babe?" Justin asked

"Yea, feel fine Justin" the smaller man mumbled, leaning heavily on the older man

"Ok, as long as you're sure" Justin sighed, his boyfriend was too stubborn for his own good

The four made their way out into the garage where Justins truck sat, the girls getting in the back and the boys in the front. Jay stayed quiet the whole way to the 21st district, leaning on the window as he tried to settle his tummy.

Parkinf up at the district, Justin watched sadly as his younger lover slid out of the car and shuffled into the building. He sighed, and grabbed the packed lunches he had made, knowing that Jay would most likely not manage to eat it.

"He's sick" Erin commented

"Yea, and I bet you he'll try denying it all day" Justin sighed, following his sister and future sister in law into the building

"Depends on if Antonio is in, Jay can't hide anything from him" Hailey commented, and Justin knew she was right

Once in the Bull Pen, Justin sighed as he took in the shivering body that was his lover, and looked knowingly over at Antonio who had a frown on his face and his arms crossed.

"He won't admit he's sick to you either?" Justin asked quietly, sitting down at his desk opposite Antonio

"No, he's adamant that he's fine" Antonio grumbled

Justin kept an eye on his younger boyfriend the whole day, and at lunch time he knew it had become too much to hide his illness. Justin had just sat down to have his lunch, when Jay disappeared off to the bathroom with Erin close behind him. A few moments later, and Erin was walking towards him with a worried look on her face.

"He wants you, he's scared to throw up" Erin sighed

"I knew he should have stayed home" Justin chuckled, walking through to the back bathroom where he could hesr the silent sobs of Jay

Walking into the bathroom, and shutting the door behind him, Justin took in the sight in front of him. Jay was curled up in a ball, his tshirt thrown to the side as he tried to stop himself being sick. The smaller man had his fist stuffed in his mouth to stop it from happening.

"Baby, you need to let it out, you're ok" Justin soothed, pulling Jay on his lap and rubbing his tense stomach gently

"I don't like it" was all Jay cried, trying to turn his body so he was chest to chest with Justin

"Baby, you can cuddle me once you've thrown up, we need to get what ever is in your system out" Justin soothed, pushing his body closer to the toilet and helping Jay lean over it

Jay only sobbed, loud gag keaving his lips and his stomach let everything go, and all Justin could do was rub his boyfriends clenching stomach as the man he loved threw up violently. Soon he felt Jay fall back against his chest, still sobbing but not as much as he had been.

"You did so well baby" Justin cooed, helping Jay shift round so he was straddling him, and cuddled close to his chest

"Wanna go home" Jay cried out, hiding his head in Justins neck

"That's a good idea, are you done?" Justin asked softly

"Yea" was all Jay mumbled back

Justin was quick to get his boyfriend out to the car, before running back upstairs to explain to his dad where he was going. He knew Erin could get home as her car was parked downstairs, so he handed her the spare house keys before walking back to the car.

Jay had fallen asleep in the passenger side, a small shiver running through his body, and a small fever present on his face. Getting into the truck, Justin started the drive home, turning the radio on silently.

Arriving home, the older man quickly unlocked the house, and set up the sofa before getting Jay from the truck. The smaller man cuddled into his boyfriends arms, clutching at his shirt tightly as if he was afraid he would disappear.

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