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As soon as he woke he knew that today was noy going to be a good one.

His head was pounding, his throat felt all rough and his whole body was achy.

Turning over, he seeked comfort from his wife, whimpering softly when he was met with emptiness.

He had forgotten that Hailey had a court thing today meaning he was going to be going into work on his own.

Sniffling, he rolled onto his back, coughing out wincing at how much it hurt his throat and chest in doing so.

Getting up was an effort; his whole body was against him doing so.

Finally on his feet, Jay shuffled to his cupboard and quickly chose a pair of jeans, his thick polo shirt and a fleece to keep his bidy temperature warm.

Grabbing his thickest pair of socks, he deicded timberlands were the way to go today.

Once he was ready, he shuffled into the bathroom to see if he could find cold medicine. Sighing in defeat when he opened the medicine cabinet to find it empty.

Jay was temepted to call in sick, but he had been off for a few weeks previously due to being shot so he deicded he needed to man it up.

Collecting his gun, badge and keys, the unwell dectective walked slowly outside, wincing as the glare of the sun irritated his head even more.

The drive itself was horrendous, the motion of the car had him feeling queasy, and all he wanted was to he cuddled into Hailey while she made him feel better.

Small tears were now brimming at his eyes, as the war veteran always became so emotional when he was unwell.

Wiping them away, he parked in the car park in the 21st District and willed the queasiness to go away before walking slowly up to the front desk where Trudy was sat chatting to his wife.

"Good Morning Dectective Chuckles" Trudy said loudly, not missing the wince that the young dectective let out

"Please, not so loud" Jay whispered, resting his pounding head on Haileys shoulder

"Hey what's up beautiful?" Hailey soothed, trying to make Jay look at her

"Migraine" Jay whispered back, fiddling for his sunglasses that were in his pockets, hoping they would bring some sort of relief

"Do you want me to take you home?" Hailey asked, rubbing Jays back comfortingly

"No, I just need medicine" Jay said, even though his body was screaming to go home

"Here take these, I always have stuff for instances like this" Trudy said quietly, handing Hailey some strong Neurofen

"Thanks Trudy, now come on upstairs" Hailey said, grabbing Jay's hand and helping him slowly walk up to the Intelligence Bull Pen

"HALSTEAD, your late" Hank yelled, making the young dectective stumble back as the pain in his head increased

Not being able to control his emotions, the man let tears flow freely down his face, the pain was now too much to handle. All he wanted was to go home.

"Woah, Jay, come on, lets get you sat down" Hailey soothed, having felt the man stumble. sending a glare to the older Sergeant

"I wanna go home" Jay whimpered, hands reaching to clutch his head which was feeling ten times worse

"I know babe, but we need to get you calm first, come on sit down" Hailey soothed, guiding her husband to the sofa in the break room

Jay sat down, pulling Hailey with him and stuffing his face in her neck trying to get comfort and relief from the pounding in his head.  Hailey gently ran her hands through his hair, shushing the man gently as he whimpered.

Hank walked quietly in to the room, face with nothing but regret on his face for yelling at the clearly sick dectective.

"How's he doing?" Hank asked quietly

"Not good, naybe we should call Will" Hailey said, rubbing Jays back as he whimpered

"You do that, and I'll look comfort him" Hank said, quickly swapping places with Hailey, shushing Jay as he moved him

"I feel sick" Jay gagged, hand going to his mouth, making Hailey race to get the bin placing it under Jays chin just in time

"Let it out kid, Hailey call Will" Hank ordered, rubbing Jays back as he heaved

The gagging made his head pound even more, and the veteran was now shaking in bith embarrassment but also with how cold he had gotten all of a sudden.

Once he as done, he leaned back on Hank, closing his eyes just wishing he was at home away from everyone. Hank ran his hands theough Jays sweaty hair, just as Will Halstead came running into the breakroom.

"Oh Jay, I have medication but it will work quicker giving you an injection" Will explained softly

"I don't care, I just wanna go home" Jay whimpered, not opening his eyes as the pain was currently managable

"Ok, can you roll his shirt up Hank" Will whispered

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