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Jay had never liked doctors; he blamed it on the fact that he spent a lot of time there when his brother got sick. Only bad memories were stuck with doctors and hospitals, the worse being that Will went in and never came out again. Leaving him on his own with his abusive parents until he was put into care at 15 years old.

He was in and out of foster homes until he aged out of the system at 18 years old; and he was lost, no idea what to do with his life or how he was meant to live. Then he found the club "Fantasy", where he was introduced to the world of regression, and he quickly accepted the lifestyle.

He found a caregiver named Frankie, who got him settled into a headspace of around 1 years old. It started off lovely, and Jay loved being cared for and having no worries but then Frankie changed.

A year after being taken in by Frankie, Jay was scared of being in his little space because he was defenseless and unable to get away from the heavy abuse the man was being thrown. He got hurt more and more, before it got to much for him and he ran away.

He had ran to a safe haven, a place hidden away from caregivers for littles to go in order to be safe and given treatment for abuse. He had stayed there for two years, unable to ever drop into his headspace, every day staying hidden in his room, silent and vulnerable.

A year on, 20 year old Jay had been taken in by a new caregiver, Hank Voight, the older man having met him after needing help with a investigation. Currently, Jay was cuddled onto Hanks lap snuggled under a black blanket, suckling on a dummy; he was snoozing after a bottle of milk.

"Sorry boss, I have Dr Rhodes on the phone for you" Trudy Platt whispered, opening the door to the Sergeants office

"Thanks Platt" Hank smiled, taking his phone off the hook to speak to the doctoe

"Afternoon Hank, sorry to bother you, but Jay's due his annual shots" Connor spoke

"God, I forgot, today?" Hank asked, looking down at the sleeping little on his lap

"If possible, say 1400 this afternoon?" Connor said, noting Jays name down in the diary when Hank responded

"See you soon" Hank spoke, ending the call and putting the phone back on the receiver

Hank sighed, rubbing the littles back, whispering soft encouragements to get Jay to wake up, shushing him as he whimpered, a tell tale sign that he was going to start crying. Hank kept a gentle hand on Jays back, smiling gently as the smaller woke up, eyes glazed over with unshed tears.

"Hey little one, don't cry" Hank soothed, shifting slightly so he was more comfortable

"Dwaddy" Jay mumbled, rubbing his eyes and yawning

"Can I speak to big Jay please?" Hank asked, taking the dummy and blanket away, placing it on the desk so Jay couldn't reach it

"Nwo" Jay whimpered, hiding his face in Hanks chest

"Jay, please, only for a little while" Hank asked, adding a firm edge to his voice

"Hank" Jay whispered, keeping his face hidden in Hanks chest, hand's clutching Hanks jacket tightly

"We need to go to see Dr Rhodes" Hank started, hand coming to rub Jays back as the little tensed

"I don't want to go, I don't like hospitals" Jay whimpered

"I know baby, you need your annual shots, and then I promise we can go home and snuggle, watch some disney films" Hank said, shushing Jay as he let out a broken sob

"Daddy no" Jay cried, slipping instantly into his safe place

"I know, I know" Hank soothed, standing up and holding Jay close as he cried

"Pwease" Jay cried, reaching for his dummy that was still sat on the desk

Hank quickly grabbed it, adding a gentle sway as Jay suckled harshly on the dummy, his sobs having died down to soft sniffles. Hank hummed softly, kissing the top of Jays head which had become hidden in his neck.

"Hwome after?" Jay asked quietly

"Yea little one" Hank smiled, grabbing Jays blabket and his own jacket before heading out of the office to the car

Jay fell asleep in the car, his breathing quiet and soft; Hank looked over at him and smiled softly, keeping the car speed gentle so not to wake up the smaller. The drive was quick, and when he pulled up to the hospital, Hank shook the little awake.

Jay woke with a cry, and Hank was quick to get out of the car and run round to the passenger side, unbuckling Jay and lifting his small body into his arms. The older man walked quickly into the hospital, catching Connors eye and following him into a treatment room.

"He's extremely upset, I'm not sure why" Hank spoke, holding Jay close as the little cried

"I think it has something to do with his brother dying here" Connor said quietly, reaching for the distraught little

"I don't know any of his upbringing nor from his last caregiver" Hank sighed, handing Jay over to Connor who shushed the little

"Deep breaths little man, you're safe here" Connor soothed, gently calming the little down to sniffles

"Nwo shots" Jay whimpered, rubbing his tearful eyes

"Just two shots, and then I believe I have some lollipops in my drawer" Connor bargained

"For Jway" the little asked, thumb sneaking into his mouth, and Hank didn't stop him

"Yes, shall we do them quickly, and then you can have one" Connor smiled, placing Jay on the treatment bed, and helping the little out of his cotton tshirt

"Dwaddy" Jay whimpered, reaching for the older man, who sat behind Jay and hugged him softly

"Shush little one, it'll be quick" Hank soothed, nodding at Connor to just get it done

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