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"Whoever is clicking that pen, please stop" Hailey groaned, and the noise stopped

"Sorry" Jay whispered, putting the pen down and instead fiddling with his fingers

Adam sighed as he watched his husband struggle with the need to move and make noise; he opened his drawer and found the red tangle twister he kept for the younger. Grabbing it, he walked over to Jay and handed it to him, while planting a gentle kiss on his head.

"Fiddle with this instead" Adam soothed, knowing that Jays fingers were often sore from the way pulled at them

"Sorry" was all Jay mumbled, his eyes locked on the floor as he took the toy from his husband

"Nothing to be sorry about babe" Adam whispered

Adam walked away from his husband, needing to finish his reports so that the pair could enjoy their weekend off without worrying about paperwork. Jay was still struggling, he wanted to move about, and soon found his knee bouncing creating a soft thump everytime his right knee hit the desk.

"For fucks sake Jay, can't you just stay still for once" Kim snapped, slamming her hand on the desk

"Sorry, sorry" Jay mumbled, grabbing his laptop and paperwork before walking out of the bull pen into a interrogation room

"Are you guys serious?" Adam growled, standing up suddenly

"Well he's irritating us man, all that fucking bouncing" Hailey snapped back

"He can't help it Hailey, he has ADHD" Adam snapped, following after his husband, finding him in the interview room sniffling softly

Adam closed the door behind him, sitting beside Jays trembling body, reaching for the mans hnands and holding them tightly. Jay didn't look up from where he was doing his work, and the blonde reached over to wipe away the tears were falling from Jays eyes.

"Please don't cry beautiful" Adam whispered

"I don't mind to be annoying, I can't help it" Jay whispered, his voice broken and small

"I know baby, I know" Adam soothed, pulling Jay onto his lap and hugging him

"Can we go home?" Jay mumbled, sniffling quietly while resting his head on Adams shoulder

"Of course, let me get our stuff" Adam smiled, helping Jay up onto his feet

Jay shuffled shyly behind Adam, his fingers fiddling with the back of his husbands jumper while his eye's frantically looked around him. The pair made their way into the bull pen, where the team sat silently, Hank standing with a scowl on his face at the front.

"I'm taking him home, see you on Monday" Adam muttered, grabbing Jays jacket and the keys before guiding the anxious man out of the office

"I'm sorry Addy" Jay mumbled

"No need to be sorry" Adam soothed, kissing Jays head gently as he got into the car

The drive home was silent apart from the radio playing, and Adam found himself missing the usual chatter that would fill the vehicle. Once at home, Jay let himself out of the car, unlocking the house and making his way into the bedroom where he stripped and hid under the covers.

"Do you want anything to eat babe?" Adam asked, sitting beside Jay who shook his head

"Can we just cuddle" Jay whispered, legs twitching slightly as they usually did

"Of course baby" Adam smiled, throwing off his jeans and shoes before climbing into the warm bed and letting Jay cuddle up to him

"Love you Adam" Jay whispered, stuffing his face in Adams chest and breathing in the comforting scent of the mans aftershave

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