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Jay Halstead sat at his desk, trying to not fall asleep while doing his paperwork, however he was loosing the battle. A slam on his desk made him jump to attention, and he smiled sheepishly as his boss, Hank Voight who shook his head at the man in front of him.

"If you're going to sleep, go home Halstead" Hank said harshly

"No, I'm fine boss" Jay mumbled, rubbing his eyes

"Last warning Halstead" Hank ordered, and Jay sent a pleading look to his husband Mouse that thankfully nobody else noticed

Mouse only nodded, and Jay rushed into the back locker room to grab his secret black bag and walked into the disabled toilet where Mouse was already waiting for him. It was like a switch had been flicked, and Jay crumpled into the taller mans arms; sobs leaving his mouth as he hugged Mouse close.

"Baby boy, it's ok, shushhh" Mouse soothed, rubbing Jay's back softly

"I wanna slip, I don't wanna be Big Jay" Jay cried

"Then slip baby boy, I won't stop you" Mouse whispered, grabbing Jay's hips and pulling him closer

"I can't, I can't" Jay cried, hands gripping Mouse's shirt tightly

"Calm down little man, breathe for daddy" Mouse whispered, but it was no use, Jay continued to cry heavily

"Want my dad, need him to know" Jay cried, and Mouse knew he wasn't speaking about their regression, he was speaking about his adoptive father, Hank Voight

"Ok, can you stop crying and we can go to see him" Mouse said gently, grabbing the black bag that was on the floor and picking out the dummy that was hidden in the front pocket

Jay took the dummy greedidly, sucking harshly while slowly calming down, by this point Mouse was sitting on the floor with Jay sat comfortably on his lap. The older man was running his hands through his husbands hair, trying to get him to slip into his headspace but he knew it wouldn't work.

Jay hadn't managed to properly slip in a few weeks, neither men knew why but Mouse had a feeling it was due to Will Halstead finding out and making a few not so nice comments. It had been five weeks since Will had spoken to either man and it was effecting Jay more than he realised.

"Forget about what Will said to you little one, only listen to the people who love you" Mouse spoke, and soon he felt Jay relax in his arms

"Daddy, tired" Jay mumbled, his voice small

"I know little one, come on let's go see Hank" Mouse said softly, standing up with Jay in his arms

"Will he hate Jay?" Jay asked quietly

"No baby, I promise" The older promised, placing Jay on his own two feet which brought a whimper from Jay

"Carry daddy" Jay mumbled

"Once we have told your dad I'll hold you" Mouse whispered, wrapping a hand around Jays smaller waist and also taking the mans dummy out of his mouth

The pair walked back into the main room, ignoring the worried glances that were thrown towards them. Mouse guided Jay into Hanks office, smiling as he walked in while Jay shuffled in shyly with a tight grip on Mouse's hand. The man was loitering on the edge of big and little but he knew as soon as it was safe he would be allowed to slip.

"Hank, we need to talk a few things through with you" Mouse started

"What's up?" Hank asked, putting his paperwork down

"Jay has been struggling since the departure of Will, we had a regression going and that threw Jay off the path, hence the behavioural issues" Mouse explained

"Is this rught kid?" Hank asked, putting the question to the youngest

"Yea" Jay whispered, leaning closer to Mouse

"You shouldn't have suffered in silence kiddo, I would have helped you both out" Hank said softly

"Was scared you'd react like Will did" Jay whimpered, his voice sounding small

"Is that why you haven't been getting your work done and flaking asleep ag work?" Hank asked, smiling sadly when Jay nodded

With Jay deeming it safe, he dropped and he dropped deep into his headspace, climbing onto Mouse's lap and cuddling into him. The older man slipped him his blue dummy, letting him suckle on it as he started falling asleep. The weeks of no proper sleep finally catching up to him, and the little fell into a safe and deep sleep.

"You're good to him Mouse, couldn't ask got a better son in law" Hank smiled, watching his son sleep peacefully

"He was so broken when Will spoke to him" Mouse sighed, shifting in a more comfortable position

"What Will did was terrible, but he has his whole unit here for him" Hank smiled

Halsteadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें