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Hailey chuckled as she watched bith her boyfriends pester each other; they were always at each other to see who would crack first.

It was usually Jay, as his patience was not rhe greatest, plus he was extremely ticklish, so Adam knew exactly what made him snap.

At this precise moment, Adam was pestering Jay to go outside to play in the snow as there was no case for the Intelligence Unit at the moment.

"Adam stop, I'm trying to do my emails" Jay laughed, shoving Adam away from him, looking at Hailey for help

"I'm nit getting involved babe" Hailey laughed, watching as Adam once again leaned on Jays shoulder however this time reaching down and touching Jays side

This caused a loud laugh to leave the young detectives mouth, as he flicnhed away from the feeling. A blush on his face as he realised what he had done, but then trying to move away from Adam as he knew exactly what the man was going to do next.

Hailey and the rest of the team watched, smiles present as the youngest detective was attacked by his older boyfriend. Loud laughs and shouts to be let free filled the Bull Pen, and for a moment they all forgot that they were working for the most dangerous unit in Chiagco.

"Adam, stop, I need to pee" Jay squealed, trying to get away from the fingers that were tixkling his sides

"What's the magic word" Adam giggled back childishly

"You're the best boyfriend, I love you" Jay shouted, tears of laughter leaving his eyes

"Mmm I'm not sure" Adam replied, not letting up on the tickle attack

"Adam, that's enough, let our boy breath" Hailey laughed, interupting the two boys

Jay sighed a breath of relief as the tickling stopped, reachinf into his drawer for the asthma pump he kept handy in there. Taking three big puffs to get the air back into his lungs, before he stood up, pushed Adam down on the chair and sat on top of him.

"You good babe?" Adam chuckled, kissing Jays head gently, as the man caught his breath

"Mmmm, felt good to laugh" Jay sighed, leaning into the hand that Hailey had placed on his cheek

"I'll have to do that more often then" Adam laughed, huffing when Jay hit his shoulder in retaliation

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