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Waking up, Dante Torres turned over to see his husband Jay Halstead fast asleep cuddled under the thick blankets; the only sound escaping the huddled form was small breaths. Trying not to move too much, Torres reached over Jay and picked up one of the younger mans hearing aids, and with gentle hands placed in his his right ear.

Dante then sat back and fiddled around with his phone, answering emails and texts while allowing Jay to wake up in his own time. The younger rolled over, his head moving to rest on Torres stomach with a soft sight. He didn't awake, but Dante moved one hand to run it through the mans messy bed hair.

"Good Morning beautiful" Dante said softly, reaching for the other hearing aid and gently turning it on before fitting it to Jays ear

"tired Dante" Jay signed sloppily, hiding his face in the elders neck

"We don't need to rush, you can sleep for a little longer if you want" Torres replied, he often found himself speaking to Jay instead of signing, especially when the man was wearing his hearing aids

"don't want to wear these today" Jay signed, sitting up to look at his husband, rubbing his eyes

"Why not beautiful?" Dante asked, placing his phone down and taking Jays hands in his

"headache" was all the younger signed back, and Dante nodded, reaching for the devices that were sat behind Jays ears, turning them off before taking them and placing them back into their little container

Turning back towards his husband, Dante could see how much more relaxed he was now the world around him was completely silent. Jay had lost his hearing after a deployment in the Military , he had been blown up and the head trauma had been what had caused the hearing loss.

The man could speak but he was extremely self conscious as he could no longer hear himself, so had started to sign instead. The pair had been married 8 years when this incident happened, and 6 years on were as strong as ever.  Dante had taken up night classes in order to learn sign language so he could support his lover.

"do you want some painkillers?" Dante signed slowly, getting out of bed when Jay nodded

"Stay home today" Jay mumbled, his voice raspy from not being used properly

"no baby, we have a case" Torres signed, handing the younger two pills to help with his head

"can't we just stay home" Jay signed, sniffling as he shifted closer to Dante

Dante just shook his head, pulling Jay to his feet and helping him stand; placing a gentle kiss on the mans forehead which was thankfully not sporting a fever. He guided Jay into the bathroom, pushing him to have a shower while he started on making some breakfast.

He had gotten changed already, so grabbed the case that held Jays hearing aids just in case the man decided to put them on later. Once in the kitchen he started making toast for both of them as well as a cup of tea for Jay. He turned round when he heard Jay shuffle into the kitchen, smiling sadly at his husband.

"once you have had something to eat you will hopefully feel slightly better" Dante signed, handing the man the cup of tea as well as the plate of buttered toast

"Love you" was all he got back in reply, the younger sitting at the kitchen table slowly eating his breakfast

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