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Trudy looked up as she heard a small knock on her desk; at first she didn't see anyone, until a small voice spoke and made her realise that the person speaking was a small child.

"Grandma Trudy, you gotta help us" the child cried, the boy couldn't be any older than 5, and she had no clue how the child knew her name nor why he was calling her Grandma

"Kid, what's going on?" Trudy asked, coming round the front

"My mama is missing, he was meant to pick me up from school" the child whimpered, wiping away the tears that had fallen from his eyes

"So how'd you get here?" Trudy asked softly

"Mama always said, if it's an emergency to come see Grandpa Hank" the boy whimpered out

"What's your name kid?" Trudy asked, reaching for the phone that sat on her desk

"Ollie, Ollie Justin Halstead" the boy whispered

It was then that the desk sergeant realised how similar the boy looked to the ex detective; the man had disappeared with no warning almost 6 years ago. They all thought he had been caught uo in sometime illegal, but now Trudy understood, Jay had been pregnant and not wanted anyone to know.

"Come on, I'll take you to Grandpa Hank" Trusy said, reaching to take the smaller childs hand

"Wait, I need to get my brother, he's outside" the boy spoke suddenly

"How old are you Ollie" Trudy asked, following the boy outside to where an even smaller biy was sat

"I'm 6, and Sammy is 4" Ollie whispered, gripping Trudys hand tightly as they climbed down the steps

"Abd where is your daddy?" Trudy asked

"My daddy is a police officer but I've never met him, and Sammy's is a bad man who is always hurting mama" Ollie said innocently

Trudy couldn't believe what she was hearing, and it was sounding more and more like Jay did the disappear but was more kidnapped. She was now worried that the two young boys had also been victim of abuse for the last few years, it was obvious Jay had been.

"Sammy, come on" Ollie whispered

"Bubby" the smaller boy whimpered

"I've found Grandma Trudy, she is going to help us" Ollie whispered softly, grabbing the toddler's hand

"Hi Sammy, are you ok?" Trudy asked, checking the toddler for injuries, smiling in relief as she found none

"Nappy is wet" the toddler mumbled

"Let's go and see Grandpa Hank, and then I'll change you" Trudy smiled, picking up the toddler and grabbing Ollie's hand

The smaller toddler laid his head on Trudy's shoulder, his hand clutching her shirt tightly, he was getting tired and just wanted to sleep. Trudy buzzed the gate open, and helped Ollie climb yhe stairs while keeping a soft yet firm grip on Sammy who was slowly falling asleep in her arms.

"Trudy, who's kids did you steal?" Hailey laughed from where she was sat with her wife Erin

"Where is Hank?" Trudy asked, ignoring the woman

"In his office" Justin spoke, eyes resting on the older boy who was next to Trudy

Trusy nodded, guiding Ollie towards the office where Hank was sat trying to complete paperwork from their most recent case. He looked up when he heard the desk sergeant enter, eyes widening at the sight of two kids with her.

"Grandpa Hank!" Ollie said, "You gotta find mama"

"Trudy, who's kids are these?" Hank asked, standing up and walking towards the trio

"Jays kids, he's missing" Trudy replied, shushing the small toddler who shifted slightly

"As in Jay Halstead, my son's boyfriend who went missing 6 years ago" Hank asked

"Mama didn't go missing, the bad man took him, and he's Sammy's dad" Ollie said

"Ollie, do you know where the bad man took your mama?" Hank asked softly, kneeling infront of the child

"No, he's very mean to mama, always makes him cry" Ollie whispered

"And how do you know the bad man took your mama this time?" Hank asked

"Mama told me, he said if anything ever happened, that the bad man was involved and I was to come find you and Grandma Trudy" Ollie said

"Is the bad man your dad too?" Hank asked

"No, my daddy is a nice police officer, mama misses him alot" Ollie said quietly, shuffling forward to hug the older man

"Your daddy loves your mama very much too" Hank whispered, hugging the child close

A knock on the office door broke the pair apart, and Hank looked up to see his son stood in the doorway.

"Ollie, do you know who that is?" Hank asked

"My daddy, mama carried a photo of everyone in his wallet" Ollie said, "It's how I knew who you two were"

"You're very smart Ollie" Trudy said softly, she had sat down on the sofa, the small toddler asleep in her arms

"Mama taught me, said I would need to help protect Sammy" Ollie whispered, looking shyly at Justin who smiled softly at him

"Ollie, we need your help finding your mama" Hank said

"Wait, Jay is missing still?" Justin spoke, eyes wide

"Mama tried to escape loads of times, but the bad man kept finding him" Ollie said, "the bad man hurts mama, daddy you need to find him"

"I will find him" Justin said softly, walking ovet and picking up the small 6 year old

"We need to get nappies, Sammy isn't potty trained" Trudy suddenly said

"Who's Sammy?" Justin asked, having not seen the second child that was in the room

"My brother, he's special, mama said his brain got hurt by his daddy" Ollie said, breathing in his father's comforting smell

"I'll go get some, Hank you start the investigation with Justin" Trudy spoke, gently lying the toddler on the sofa

The smaller child cried out from the loss of warmth, so Justin shifted Ollie to the left side and picked Sammy up with ease. The 4 year old soon settled back down, thumb now in his mouth as he slept soundly.

"We gotta find him dad, we have to get their mama back" Justin spoke, pressing gentle kisses on the boys heads

"Mama always said that Grandpa was a real
superhero" Ollie whispered, his head laying on Justin's shoulder, eyes dropping as he fought sleep

"Sleep son, you're safe here, and we will find your mama" Hank said, smiling as he watched the child give in to sleep

Soon the office was silent, Justin was sat on the sofa opposite his dad, the pair just watching the two small children sleep. Trudy entered a while later, in her hand a bag that had nappies, baby wipes, a packet if dummies, and two soft toys for each boy.

She placed the frog in Ollies arms, and the puppy in to Sammy's while also allowing Justin to gently ory the thumb out of his mouth, replacing it quickly with a dummy. Both boys stayed sleeping, and the three adults spoke amongst themselves, trying to gain a better understanding of how they were going to find Jay.

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