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Erin knew her boyfriend was sick before he woke up that morning. He only ever had night terrors when he was sixk, and he had had a night of hardly any sleep, instead he had been curled up under the ocvers, whimpering out tiredly.

Jay rolled over with a whimper, his head was pounding and his ears were ringing; all he wanted was the pain to stop. The smaller man shifted so that he was laying his head on Erins chest.

The older woman had been awake for a while, reading her book and so when Jay's head landed on her chest so put the book down. Instantly she could tell he had a potential ear ache, he had a tight frown on his face, but his main symptom was that his hands were gripping his ears tightly.

Instead of waking the man up, she started running her hands through his hair, smiling as the man started to wake up slowly. Jay was comfortable and the feeling of his girfriends hands in his hair was making the pain slightly more bearable.

"Morning beautiful" Erin whispered, chuckling softly as Jay groaned softly

"My ears hurt Er" Jay whimpered, hands still gripping his ears

"How long baby?" Erin asked, shifting slightly so that Jay could sit up

"All day yesterday, but hurts more today and my head" Jay whimpered, a sob leaving his lips

"Baby, why didn't you tell me?" Erin asked, pulling her smaller partner into her lap and holding him close

"I thought it would go away on its own" Jay cried

"Please don't cry baby, it's ok, you've probably got an ear infection" Erin soothed, tugging Jay's hands from his ears

"It hurts, please make it stop" Jay cried, all he wanted was for the pain to stop

"Hey, calm down baby, please, crying won't make you feel any better" Erin whispered, starting a soft massage on the mans head

Half an hour later, Erin had managed to send her boyfriend back to sleep, she reached over and grabbed her phone. Running through her contacts and stopping at her brothers number, pressing call and bringing the phone to her ear.

Justin answered quickly, sounding raspy as if he had just woken up; Erin chuckled, but relayed her predicament, and heard her older brother wake up the older Halstead who was sleeping next to him.

It had been how Erin and Jay had met; Will Halstead was dating Justin Voight, and had mentioned his younger brother was back from active duty for the nezt few weeks.

A night out for the four had been arranged, Jay had come in shyly behind his older brother and his (at the time) Fiancée. Erin's heart went for the boy instantly, and they had now been dating for four years.

Jay was still an active Military solider, alongside Justin Voight but he was currently at home on leave for a couple of months until their nexy deployment.

"Will is on his way" Erin whispered to her sleeping boyfriend

A short while later, a knock was heard before soft voices were heard in the house. It didn't take long for the two men to find the other two, Justin smiling at his younger sister who was sat still running her hands through the younger sleeping Halsteads hair.

"Jay, can you wake up for me please?" Erin asked

"Hurts Er, I want it to stop" Jay mumbled, his hands went to reach for his ears but Will stopped him this time

"Baby bro, van you sit up for me please?" Will asked softly

"Bubba?" Jay mumbled, opening his eyes and shifting towards his older brother

"Yea buddy, come here, let me see your ears" Will  said softly, smiling at his younger brother

Justin and Erin moved out the way, letting the two siblings have their moment. Erin watched on, she was worried about Jay, he had been sick on and off since he had returned from his last deployment. She knew the change in weather was a big factor and as well as the fact that he was eating a lot more than usual.

"He has a ear infection" Will concluded, he was sat on the bed holding his smaller brother who was now just sniffling

"I'm guessing he's going to need antibiotics" Erin asked, slowly moving to take Jay into her own arms

"Yes, its a double ear infection, he's had them before, and his job doesn't help, the constant flying and sand storms means his ears are sensitive" Will explained, pulling his husband in for a hug

"Thank you Will, I appreciate you guys coming out for us" Erin said, laying Jay back into the bed and covering him up with the duvet

"I'll always come, he's my little brother and your my sister in law" Will smiled, resting his chin on Justins shoulder, wrapping his arms around the mans waist

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