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⚠️ SMUT ⚠️

Justin Voight smiled in his sleep as he felt his smaller boyfriend snuggle into his chest; Jay Hakstead had finished work later as he had paperwork that he had to finish. Justin had left at the district at around 1800hrs, had dinner and had fallen asleep just after 2000hrs. Opening his eyes, he saw that the time had just passed 2300hrs at night.

"Baby, you said you were only going to be a couple of hours" Justin said softly

"It was hard, couldn't finish it" Jay mumbled, yawning as he cuddled closer to his boyfriend

"I'll help you on Monday, we don't need to stress about it over the weekend" Justin replied, kissing Jays head and wrapping his arms around Jays waist

Jay sighed in relief as he cuddled Justin, taking in the scent of his aftershave that always seemed to calm him down no matter how busy his mind was. Letting his eyes close, Jay relaxed into a state of sleep, feeling safe and warm in the arms of the man he loved.

He was awake again within an hour, his body wanting to be moving or doing something other than staying still. Jay tried to wriggle out of Justins arms but the older man had him in a tight yet gentle hold meaning he'd have to wake him to get out.

"Justin" Jay spoke, prodding his boyfriend in the chest, only bringing a grunt from the man

"Justin, please" Jay whispered, changing from a prod to shove Justins chest, waking the man

"What's wrong babe?" Justin asked, his voice raspy with sleep

"I need to move" Jay whined, still trying to get out od Justins arms

"Ok, it's ok" Justin soothed, unwrapping his arms from around Jays waist and allowing the younger to get up and pace around the room

Justin watched on with a sad smile; he knew that some days Jays mind would become so full of information that he would then struggle to calm down after a days work. It had been a while since he had seen Jay this worked up and it hurt him to know that he was struggling.

"Can you use your words baby, let me know how you're feeling?" Justin asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed

"My head is loud, too loud" Jay mumbled, hands clenched in tights fists against his chest

"Ok, and why is that baby?" Justin asked, looking at the clock to see it was only 1 in the morning

"I don't know" Jay whined, huffing out breaths as he tried to calm down

"Come here baby, come sit with me" Justin said softly, opening his arms and letting Jay settle on his lap

"I'm sorry I woke you" Jay whispered, fiddling with Justins hands

"Nothing to be sorry about" Justin soothed, resting his larger hands on Jays waist, eyes widening as Jay grinded down on him slightly

"Justin" was all the smaller moaned

"Tell me what you want beautiful" Justin said, nipping at Jays neck as the man continued to grind on him

"Want you to fuck me" Jay whined, hands reaching for Justins pajama pants

"And how do you want me to fuck you baby bly" Justin asked, sliding his hands into Jays shorts to
grope at his ass

"On my back, slow and deep" Jay gasped, tensing as he felt Justins finger prod at his hole

"Relax for me beautiful" Justin whispered, flipping Jay so he was on his back, pulling the boys shorts down all the way and pushing his legs open

"Justin please" Jay whispered, letting out a loud sigh as he felt his boyfriend push in two fingers, hitting his spot dead on

Justin leaned down and kissed Jay passionately, keeping a steady pump going as he worked his boy open. The elder soon had three fingers in Jays tight hole, no matter how many times they did this, Jay always was so tight.

"You going to cum from just my fingers?" Justin asked, hitting those bubdle of nerves harshly with every pump

"Yes, Justin please" Jay cried, tensing as he cane hard, breathing heavily but crying out in pleasure as Justin thrusted his cock in deep

"How are you so tight baby boy" Justin groaned, lating over Jays smaller body and thrusting deep into the man

"Feels so good" was all Jay moaned back, wrapping his arms around Justins neck, his legs resting on the elder mans back allowing him to go deeper

Justin didn't pick up his pace, only thrusting deeper as he felt Jays bidy tense up as his orgasm grew closer. The elder only managed a couple more thrusts before he felt Jay tighten around his cock, and a loud shout from the smaller as he came. Justin wasn't far behind, filling his boufriend as he came with a cry. 

"I love you Justin" Jay whispered, whimpering slightly as the elder pulled out

"I love you too beautiful, so much" Justin whispered, gently kissing Jay as he reached for the baby wipes so he could clean the both of them up

"Tired now" Jay yawned, curling up in a ball as Justin finished cleaning him

"I bet you are, sleep, I'm not going anywhere" Justin soothed, wrapping his arms around Jays smaller frame

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