Chapter 95 - Ninja Event: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"Of course I do!" The tanuki snaps, jumping to her feet, surprising both Shuro and I. "But I have a responsibility to everyone! Izuna and her starry-eyed wonder of ninjas, and sweet, wide-eyed Tsukuyo... I wanted to be a role model they could be proud of... That's all... If the only consequence of today was the show being ruined and us not getting officiated... That would be okay."

"Then why were you so greedy?" Shuro presses, still grinning. "Did you want to be the star of the show? Enough to risk a war with Hyakkiyako and Gehenna? Or... did you just want to show off to that kid from Gehenna?"

Michiru looks away. "I... I don't know... But... I promised to keep her safe. But now she's crying somewhere I can't help her... You're right, I was greedy. And it's because of it that this situation has spiraled. If people find out, what if Izuna and Tsukuyo get blamed just for being involved in the Ninjustu Research Club? If I hadn't been so selfish, so greedy... What if those two find out? They would be so disappointed in me... I'm... I'm..."

"Then are you just gonna stay here and be sad about it?" I ask.

Michiru blinks. "H-Huh...?"

"So you fucked up, big deal. Staying here and worrying isn't gonna fox anything." I say.


"Michiru." I interrupt. "Is that all it was? You were scared to submit the application?"

"I mean... How could I have ever submitted one?!" She snaps. "What normal, ordinary person would ever take ninjas seriously? We're the Ninjustu Research Club, for crying out loud! All we do is cosplay as ninjas from anime and comic books! Who was actually going to accept us...?" She asks, turning somber at the end. "No one wound understand! They already call us weirdos with weird hobbies! You think they'd care? They're treat us like imbeciles! They'd treat MY FRIENDS like imbeciles! That's why I can't!"

So that's what it is. She wasn't being selfish, but at the same time was being selfish. What a strange circumstance.

"...Well, that's what you think. But have you asked those two?"

"S-Sensei-dono...?" The ninja asks, confused.

I sigh. Reaching for the Shittim Chest, I pull out a hanker chief and use it to dry her wet and red eyes. Once done, I speak, "C'mon, do you really just wanna sit here? I promised to help Ibuki too, y'know? I'm going regardless."

"You... You're right." Michiru nods, looking more determined. "For now, our priority is getting out of here. And... thanks, Sensei-dono."

"Anytime." I smile.

"If you two are done with your little moment, the door's this way." Shuro says, pointing a thumb over her shoulder towards.

"Shush! You shouldn't interrupt your elders when they're having a moment, brat!" The tanuki snaps.

"Hahaha! You have some fire in you after all!" Shuro giggles, nearly causing me to shudder. This girl still gives me the heebie-jeebies. "It's a good thing you found it, your makeup was starting to run."

"Wh-Whaaaat?!" The tanuki shouts. "Hey! You could've been a little nicer about it!" She then sighs. "I don't even know what to say anymore..."

"Speaking of, how do you know the way out?" I ask, also meaning 'what are you doing here?'.

"This mansion is reeeeeally old, same with a lot of buildings in Hyakkiyako. Even if they've been fixed up and refurbished, some of them still hold a few secrets." Shuro grins, her words only causing me more worry. Something's hidden here, then? If so, what?

"Wait a second... This place actually looks familiar." The grayette says. "That corridor... the layout of the room... Could it be... Kama-Boko Gale Batle...?"

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