Chapter 94 - Various Obstacles

Start from the beginning

"And I'm her bodyguard, Pina! Take us down or you'll never pass!" The blonde chirps, enjoying all of this a lot.

"Guess were doin' this then." I smile. "Get 'em!" I shout, pointing at the two interlopers.

The girls all nod, brandishing their weapons, even Iroha who pulls out a pistol.

The battle is quick and short-lived, as I expected for a performance. Though Michiru did surprise me by using a firework- one seemingly overcharged with Mystic as it knocked her back onto her ass. Though it DID destroy Shizuko's fake food cart thing she made with her Mystic to use as a shield.

"Such strength! You truly must be the princess' saviors! We surrender!" The 'clumsy' girl cries.

"...That's it? That was way too easy." Michiru deadpans.

"Would you rather fight to the death? This is just a performance you know?" Shizuko asks, raising an eyebrow.

"R-Right. Of course!" The grayette says, nervously. Really?

"But wow! I didn't expect such a small girl to be so strong!" Pina praises Iroha, who punched her at one point when she got close enough. Tell that to Hina. Or Hoshino. Or Neru. Or... a lot more small but strong girls in this city. "That battle was so exhilarating! I'm still buzzing from the adrenaline! You ninjas might be doing something right."

"Hm, you're onto something..." The brunette maid hums. "It didn't occur to me during the Cherry Blossom Festival, but theatrics if that caliber... might be worth a pretty penny... Say, you're the Ninjutsu Research Club, right?"

The trio of three happily nod- or slightly shyly in Tsukuyo's case and confused in Michiru's.

"I'll admit, I thought the whole ninja shtick was silly at first, but you know, you really proved yourselves. I'll be rooting for you, underdogs!" Shizuko smiles.

"Um... thanks." Michiru says, still a touch confused.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you passed!" Shizuko announces. "And I will be your guide to the next trial."

"Well ain't that helpful." I smile.

Michiru nods. "Let's do this. Let's go get those mouryo, squad!"

"Yes!" "Y-Yes...!" "Alright." The other three say, causing me to chuckle.


As we continue to chase the mouryo, so too does the blimp Niya is on. Or maybe she isn't on it? I dunno at this point. Whatever the case, she sure is keeping the act up. Shizuko pointed us in our targets' direction as Niya continues to be the announcer.

"Countless students from both schools are in hot pursuit of the evil kidnappers as we speak!" Thre oni says. Are they? They must be falling behind 'cause I don't see anyone else. "Meet some of the front-runners in the race! These girls in particular are a crowd favorite, it seems. Introducing the Ninjutsu Research Club from Hyakkiyako!"

Sure enough, the camera footage show on the blimp is following us closely.

"They're more of a social group than an official club though... Bwahaha!" Niya laughs. "But all that could change if they rescue Princess Waraku from the evil kidnappers! Bwahaha! Here's to a dazzling performance~!"

"She's just commentating the entire thing like a sports tournament! Can she not do that?!" Michiru snaps.

"Meh, from what I've gleamed of her, I'm not surprised." I deadpan.

"And it'd be weird if there was no commentary at all... It's supposed to be a broadcasted event." Tsukuyo points out.

"That's not what I'm saying!" The tanuki complains.

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