I Love You Guys Remember That

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"Don't try that with me." Neverland holds Maddie's wrist tightly showing his dominance over her. "I know you better than you think I do. After all you and me share blood." Neverland twisted Maddie's arm and ran a finger over her vein. Maddie was terrified. This man seemed to have a million personalities and he wanted her for something. All she knew was that she was glad her friends had made it out.

"You aren't going to hurt me." Maddie tried to be confident, but it was real easy to see past it.

"Im glad you are so naïve." His tone made Maddie want to crawl in a hole and hide. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she began to hyperventilate. Neverland chuckled and he leaned in to kiss  her.  Maddie tired to pull her wrist from his grasp, but it was useless. Before he could kiss her his attention was drawn to something else. "Magic." Neverland breathed.

The Enchanted Forest

"Pan we cant hold this for much longer." Devin sounded stressed and under quite a bit of pressure.

"You have to!" Pan sounded the same way. He was doing his best, but Devin was right. This wasn't going to hold much longer.

"Pan dont be dumb! This thing is going to fall." Regina yelled. Luckily they didn't have to hold it any longer.

A cloud of black smoke came rolling over the mountains. An evil laugh echoed through the valley. The temperature dropped twenty degrees. Pan looked nervous for once in his life. The group exchanged nervous glances and the girls held hands praying Maddie was with Neverland. As the cloud got closer they could see a figure of a man in the midst of the black mist. Everyone's heart beat speed up.

"Where's the magic?" Neverland's voice was deep and scary.

"Where's Maddie?!" Peter asked

"Not here. Oh that's why you used all that magic. You thought id bring her with. Ha. Well I hate to break it to you, but she cant leave. The magic in her blood is too strong now. If she leaves she'll die and you know that." Neverland stepped onto the ground gracefully. 

"Oh no." Pan was afraid of that.

"That's not true!"  Chloe burst out

"Hes lying!" Meela yelled.

"Guys shut up. He's telling the truth." Peter refused to make eye contact with any of the girls.

"That cant be!" Amanda began to cry.

"We have to get her back!" Beau also began to cry.

"We cant just leave her!" Lyna chocked. By this time almost everyone was crying. They had come to the realization that Maddie was stuck and they couldn't help her. Pan could feel his heart break in two. He fell to his knees and held his stomach. This was by far the worst thing that had ever happened to him. Felix held Meela as she sobbed. Logan held Beau. Devin held Chloe. Dylan held Amanda and Aaron held Lyna. The lost boys were even crying. Maddie had meant a lot to these people and she was gone.

"We didn't even get to say goodbye." Amanda whispered

"That I can take care of." Neverland had some heart. A hologram of Maddie appeared.

"Guys?" Maddie whispered in disbelief.

"Maddie!" The girls hopped up.

"Why are you all crying?"

" She doesn't know?" Pan wanted to kill Neverland.

" Oh right. Maddie you cant leave Neverland ever. If you do you'll die." Neverland's voice was so emotionless.

"What?" She began to cry. " I guess this is goodbye." Maddie pulled herself together.

"Goodbye Mads." Chloe waved.

"Bye Maddie." Meela waved.

"Goodbye Maddie." Amanda waved.

"Bye Mads." Lyna waved.

"Goodbye Maddie." Beau waved.

"Forever and Always." Maddie said.

"Forever and Always." The girls said in unison. They managed to keep themselves together. The lost boys said their goodbyes and they let Maddie and Peter have a moment alone.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." Peters voice barley more than a whisper. He was trying do hard to keep himself together.

"I love you." Maddie let a tear slip.

"I love you more." Peter wanted so badly to kiss her. He just wanted to be with her. The girls made their was back in to see Maddie one last time. "Take care of her." Peter turned to Neverland and shot him a death glare.

"He wont be a problem." Regina reached in his chest, pulled out his heart and crushed it. Neverlands lifeless body fell to the floor.

"Does this mean Maddie can leave?" Beau was hopeful.

"Unfortunately no." Pan could hardly breathe. A life with out Maddie was one none of these people wanted to live, but it looks like they didn't have a choice.

"I love you guys remember that." Those were the last words Maddie said to them. Maddie was gone.

"We love you too."

The End


Please vote if you think I should do a sequel. Thank you so much for reading. Please recommend this book to your friends. I love you all!

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