A tradegy aborad the Jolly Rodger

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"So its settled then. We go and get a ride from Hook and then go our seperate ways until someone gets some answers." Meela says beginning to roll up the map.

"Not quite. How are we going to get a hold of eachother if one group gets answers?" Does Maddie ever stop asking questions?! Geez. She has a point for once though.

"The stones also do that, just speak into them like a telophone. Something is bound to happen." Abousley no one was ceratin about what was going to happen. Meela finished putting the map in her backpack. Maddie took a sword from their supply closet and strapped it around her waist. The other girls followed her lead. It was heavier than she had thought it was going to be.

"Did you ever realize that none of us really know how to use one of these?" Chloe says as she fumbles with the belt.

"I know how!" Amanda says proudly stepping forward. Amanda's dad had been a general and a king, so she grew up learning combat style ect. Meela's dad had been more of the trade leader so she knew business and things of that sort. Chloe's dad taught her how to bulid with little to nothing. Maddie's dad taught her how to use her words as a wepon. Beau's dad taught her how to do CPR and emergancy stuff. Together they made the perfect team, but one of their team members has been wrentched from their grasp.

Amanda proceeded to show the girls how to swing and stab. They seemed to catch on pretty quickly which was good because they had to be at the docks in thirty minutes if they wanted to get a ride form Hook.

"Shit we better get going!" Meela looked at the clock on the wall. They all grabbed their packs each containing a map of Neverland, their respected gem, water, a granola bar, and a spell book just in case they need to used magic on Pan.

They came upon the Jolly Rodger just in time.

"You girls are late." Hook crossed his arms. The girls hadnt realized how attractive Hook actually was.

"Well we're here arent we." Chloe didnt have time for Hook's sass. She wanted to find Beau.

"Get aboard." Hook turned on his heal and marched to the captins courters.

"Well hes already a delight." Amanda whispered to Meela.

They unpacked what little stuff they had in the brige. It smelled like BO and feet, but it was all they had. Their beds were hammicks that swayed with every wave.

"It really hot." Amanda stated what they were all thinking. I guess thats what happens when you are in a corsset, slip and a full length dress.

"We are so not dressed right." Maddie pulled at the skirt of her dress while scanning the others.

"Thats alright." A voice from behind them stated. "I have a change of clothes for you." It was Hook. He tossed a shirt and pants at each of the girls. They were mens clothes but it was better than what they had on. The shirt was white and the pants an ugly brown. Each peice had clearly been worn before because there were stains all over. Each girl crinkled their nose.

"Like this is any better." Chloe muttered and all the girls nodded in agreement. This was the worst they had ever been treated, but in my opinion they needed it.

"Girls something is wrong." Meela suddenly fell to floor. All of the girls rushed to her side. She wasnt breathing...

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