Its Time to Break the Spell

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The parents

"How much longer hook?" Beau's mom asked

" Keep your panties on. Only a but longer." Hook was tired of transporting people to this dammed island.

"We just have an emergency." Amanda's mom started to get very worried about Amanda. Every time this spell has been cast the girls have had their hearts ripped out.

"Try me sweet heart. I've seen it all." Hook was fatigued and really done with any travelers.

"Our kids are under a spell and if we don't get their fast who knows what could happen." Maddie's dad was tired of people doubting his decisions

" Oh so you are the parents of those girls. They are real fighters." Hook had a smirk on his face that worried their parents.

"How do you know that?" Chloe's mom asked

"We fought with them. They are very good with swords, I guess except Chloe. She got beat." Hook chuckled "If it hadn't been for Devin she would be badly hurt."

"Devin?" Chloe's mom's voice broke as she thought of her daughter beaten.

"A lost boy. If the lost boys hadn't shown up your girls would not have been okay. I mean they made great teams. Maddie and Pan beat me well. Meela and Felix scared me. Beau and Logan were like a well oiled machine." Hook was rubbing salt in a wound.

"Just get us to Neverland Hook." Meela's dad found some confidence.

Within thirty minutes the parents had arrived in Neverland and they rushed to find their kids.

"Christen, do you remember this place?" Maddie's dad asked Maddie's mom

"Yes. Follow me." The parents made their way through the dense forest. The place didn't hold the same magic it did for the kids. The shining of the leaves dimmed and the fairies didn't twinkle as much. They heard music coming through the trees, but it was only the clack of sticks. They peered around some bushes and saw dancing kids. They saw their daughters.

"Meela!" Meela's mom yelled, and the music stopped. Meela turned and a horrified look was plastered on her face. Maddie's heart sunk as she realized this was her last night with her friends.

"Is it time?" Maddie turned to her parents.

"Unfortunately yes. I guess you already know what has to be done." Maddie's mom touched her daughters cheek as she knew this was the last time she could touch her daughters skin warm.

"Yes mom I know." Maddie turned to her friends. "Im sorry."

"Maddie what's going on?" Amanda was confused

"This isn't the time to explain, but you'll see soon enough." Maddie looked at Pan. "I have a feeling that you know what I'm talking about."

"You cant do this Maddie. I wont let you." He grabbed both of her hands.

"I don't have any other choice. My friends need me to do this."

"They are happy here. Why cant you let them be happy?" Peter was trying to make her stay. He had never felt like this. Sure they started as payment, but now these girls were so much more.

"There isn't a future here for them. They'll die and you guys wont. We have to leave."

"We don't want to leave!" Beau stepped forward.

"You will once I finish this." Maddie took the paper from Chloe's mom. The girls were very confused.

"We need to get to skull rock." Chloe's mom tried to push  things along.

"Scarlet!" Maddie called and 100 fairies sprinkled their fairy dust on them. Before long they were gone and the rest of them were left puzzled.

"Whats going on?" Meela asked

"That's not really important right now. All we need to do is get to Skull Rock." They  ran as fast as the could. When they arrived Maddie was three fourths of the way done with the reversal spell.

"And now to save the girls on the island I shall spill the magic  that runs deep in my blood." Maddie read off the paper. She clutched the dagger and took a deep breath in. She moved the dagger to press against her throat. She shut her eyes and adjusted her grip.

"Maddie what are you doing?!" The girls yelled in unison. Maddie didn't respond. Instead she slid the dagger swiftly against her throat, but something weird happened. The dagger wouldn't cut her throat. Maddie took another deep breath and tried again. Still nothing.

"Why isn't it working?" Maddie turned to her parents

"I don't know."

A paper suddenly fell at Maddie's feet with a message on it that read:

This is not your destiny. The spell is reversed and your friends are free. The lost boys shall start aging. Your willingness to sacrifice yourself for you friends shows that love is more powerful than blood. You are truly something special.

Maddie couldn't believe what she was reading. She jumped off the rock she was standing on and ran to Peter. He wrapped her in a hug.

"Look!" She shoved the paper at Pan and he read it aloud.

"I guess we aren't eternal anymore." Dylan was a little bummed.

"No we're not, but now we can be with these girls." Pan kissed Maddie softly

"Not exactly." The parents stepped forward.

"You cant keep us from them." Maddie stepped forward. "They can come home with us. Not all of you married royalty." Maddie turned to her parents. This wasn't over yet.

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