Some Minor Details

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The parents

"So...Neverland how do we kill the boys?" Amanda's dad asked. It was like Neverland had brainwashed the parents. Like she wants the lost boys and Peter dead, but why?

"Well now its fairly easy since they are no longer eternal. All you have to do is hit them with an arrow that you covered the tip in nightshade." Of course Neverland had a bottle of nightshade ready for the parents. "I have taken the time to prepare you some so you don't kill yourselves in the process." Neverland laughed a little at her own joke.

"Thank you." Beau's mom took the bottle and grabbed the arrows they had laying around.

"You are very obedient." The parents didn't hear Neverland. She was going to kill these boys if it was the last thing she did and it just might be.

The kids

Maddie and Lyna arrived at the camp a little before dawn. Peter and the lost boys were already awake doing their daily chores. Some boys were even making breakfast.

"You never quit do you?" Maddie playfully asked Peter. He stopped washing the widows of his tree house and came down to meet the two girls.

"Not really. We like to keep things in a pristine conditions." Pan didn't understand her teasing. Maddie laughed at how naïve he was.

"He doesn't understand does he?" Lyna laughed a little as well.

"What?!" Peter looked confused.

"I was making a joke Peter." Maddie linked arms with Lyna and turned to walk away, but Peter grabbed her hand.

"Maddie wait."

"Peter I don't really have the time." Maddie loved Pan, but she had to make sure Lyna felt at home right now.

"I'll take Lyna back to the girls. Go with Pan Maddie." Aaron stepped up and offered his hand to Lyna. Lyna blushed and took Aaron's hand. peter grabbed Maddie's hand and took off. Maddie loved flying; in fact, she didn't care where they landed because she loved the journey so much. The morning sunrise was even more amazing up here than it was from the ground. She had long since let go of Peter's hand and was enjoying the flight. Pan smiled when he saw her laughing. He loved the fact that she was having so much fun. They began their descent and landed on a secluded beach.

"Peter why have you brought me here?" Maddie was still a little giddy from the flight.

"I wanted to ask you something." Peter was stalling.

"So ask." Maddie fixed her hair.

"Will you-you know what never mind." Pan could feel his heart beating out of his chest. If he had still been immortal he would've had all the confidence in the world. I guess you could say it was part of the deal he had made with the island a long time ago.

"Of course I will Peter." Maddie knew what he was asking even though he didn't say it.

"How did you know?" Peter was surprised

"I had a feeling this was going to happen at some point. Or I guess I hoped." Maddie took two steps closer to Pan. Before anything could happen the whole island shook vigorously and a beautiful women appeared to them.

"Neverland." Peter stepped in front of Maddie.

"Neverland? Wait the island is a girl? Hold up." Maddie stepped in front o f Peter, so she was in between Neverland and Pan.

"What are you doing being human?" Maddie had more confidence than Pan and he was impressed.

"I have message to give you." She had a smirk plastered on her face.

"Well spit it out." Maddie was tired of games that this island liked to play and she was staring it right in the face. For heavens sake she had almost kill herself because of this freaking place.

"Sassy." Neverland cleaned her nails. She was trying to work her magic on Maddie. "Your parents plan to kill the lost boys and your new boyfriend Peter Pan." With that Pan and Maddie were gone. The flight home was enjoyable for either of them. When they landed they were in the middle of the war. The lost boys and her friends were encircled by their parents.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Peter spit out a blast of magic temporarily freezing the parents. He walked around them scanning their weapons.

"Nightshade. Its covering their arrows and swords. They really are going to kill us." Pan looked at the girls and his friends.

"Of course they are." Neverland emerged form the shadows. "I told them too."

"You bitch!!" Meela screamed and launched herself at her, but Felix grabbed her waist.

"How could you!" Chloe began to cry.

"Because these boys are no longer any use to me." Neverland was way to casual about this whole occasion.

"Just let us leave then!" Dylan knew they had to plead.

"We don't even want to be here any more!" Logan cried.

"Oh hush. Pan I guess you never explained to them what they were sighing up for." Pan looked away from the rest of the group. "Why don't you tell them? No okay. I will. You see boys when Pan made the arrangement with me about the whole eternal life and friends thing he agreed to some fine print. This fine print said that if and when I no longer needed you, you would be subjected to my will. Basically I could do whatever I want to you, and I want you dead. There is nothing you can do about it, not even you Maddie. The magic I have used on your parents is way stronger than all of your abilities combined." Neverland was way to confident.

"Peter is that true?" Amanda asked.

"Look I was young, okay old, and I was dumb. No one ever reads the fine print!" Peter was ashamed.

"So what about us?" Beau asked. She had already been kidnapped once.

"Oh I have no use for you, but you haven't signed any contract so I'll send you home once your parents have finished their jobs." With that Neverland was gone and Peter's magic wore off.

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