A Night of Magic

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Maddie and Thomas

"This was nice." Maddie said standing up and started putting her shoes back on. They had stuck their feet in the pond.

"Agreed. I'm glad I got to spend this time with you Love." Thomas made Maddie blush "Sorry its my natural language. I dont mean to make you uncomfortable." Maddie wasnt uncomfortable she was flattered. Maddie knew Pan was going to kill Thomas for being this nice to her, but she actually enjoyed being rebelious.

"I wasnt uncomfortable actually." Maddie was kind of flirting. It felt nice to get her mind off of Peter.

"Thomas you are such a back stabbing lost boy." Pan came down form the flying.

"All i did was bring her to this pond and talk to her." Thomas didnt look scared at all; in fact, he looked completely comfortable almost like he had done this before.

"Peter calm down. You're being ridiculious." Maddie liked how Peter was pretecive of her, but sometimes he took things too far.

"Well it's time for her to go back to camp, you too." Pan approached Maddie.

"You don't own me. I can do whatever i feel like. Isn't that what this island is all about?" Maddie mocked Pan.

"Fine whatever you want. But i have a suprise for you back at camp." Peter knew Maddie's curiousity would kill her if she didnt go with him.

"Urgh fine! Lets go back to camp." Maddie grabbed Thomas' hand and pulled him the direction of camp. The jealousy grew in Peter's heart. He followed behind them careful not to make her any more unfond of him.

Back at camp

"Wow!" Tiger Lily said as all of the girls came out in their dresses.

"I can hardly breathe in the corset." Chloe complained

"My boobs hurt." Meela adjusted her corset.

"Im all good." Amanda laughed. "Besides we were these all the time. You'd think you guys would be used to them."

"Well we were, but we havent worn them long enough for them to be awful." Beau said

"I cant wait for us to see Maddie." Chloe squeeled

"I think Peter and Thomas' plan is going just as it's supposed to." Tiger Lily says messing with the girls dresses trying to make them perfect.

"I surley hope so." Amanda put up her arms so Lily could mess with her dress.

"She deserves this and i also think it'll be good for us too. We are all getting a little hope sick." Meela looked at the rest of the girl.

"True." Beau said.

"Hey i think i hear them coming!" Chloe ran outside to check. "They're coming! We better get to the tent." All of the girls scrambled to the tent.

"Peter what the heck is this?!" Maddie was in awe. It was so beautiful

"This is what me and Meela were talking about. I just couldnt tell you. And its not over. Come on." He pulled Maddie into the tent where her friends were. The dress hung on a manikin.

"Guys! This dress!" Maddie ran her hands over the silk. "I cant believe it!"

"Dont thank us thank Pan. Hes the one who lets us turn his camp into a ballroom." Meela wanted to give Peter all the credit because she knew Maddie and Peter were having issues.

"Thank you so much!" Maddie jumped up and hugged him so tightly. He coughed because he couldn't breathe. "Oh my I'm sorry." Maddie blushed

"No I loved it!" Pan laughed "Now put on the dress so we can get this ball on!"

Pan left and the girls got to work. Maddie got out of her dirty ship mates clothes and put on the slip. Piece by piece Maddie got the dress on. She came out and the girls did her hair and makeup.

"Wow you look amazing!" Tiger Lily says when they were finished.

"Agreed." All the said.

"Lets go dance!" Meela grabbed Maddie by the arm and dragged her outside The stood at the center of the dance floor. Peter and Felix emerged from the crowd. Peter was wearing a suit and Maddie thought he was so handsome.

"Y-you look so amazing!" Pan touch Maddie's hand.

"I think the same about you." Maddie kissed Pan on the cheek. Once upon a time started to play and Pan put his hands on Maddie's hips and she put her arms around his neck. The night was filled with magic as all of the girls danced with their new found boy friends. This night could not have been an better. The fairies gave a light glow to the dance floor. Maddie rested her head on Pan's shoulder.

"This is all I need." Peter whispered into Maddie's ear and she sighed.

"I-I think I love you." Devin whispered into Chloe's ear.

"I could not be any more content and happy." Felix whispered into Meela's ear

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Dylan whispered into Amanda's ear.

"I could not life this live without you." Logan whispered into Beau's ear.

Such a beautiful scene

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