Meela and Felix

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Meela was an aggressive fighter. She was by far the most instinctive. Felix admired her for that. She was confident in every swing and never second guessed herself. He sword clashed against an older boys. Her eyes were ablaze. Felix couldn't take his eyes off her which proved to be for the worst. A sword slashed his cheek. He knew that was going to leave a scar. He erupted in a rage of fury. In second the man was on the floor in pain. Meela kneed the last crewman and slid her sword back into its holder. The two looked around. They only people still fighting were Maddie, Pan and Hook. The rest of the lost boys, Beau and Amanda were standing watching the fight. None of their people were hurt badly, but they couldn't say the same for Hook's crew.

"What do we do know?" Felix asked

"Wait where's Chloe!" Meela realized that Chloe had disappeared.

"Devin took her away. She was hurt." Beau put her hand on Meela's shoulder. Maddie groaned loudly as she was hit in the face by the butt of Hook's sword. Meela stepped forward ready to kill hook, but Felix stopped her.

"What the heck are you doing!"

"This is their fight. Pan has something to settle and I've learned to stay put of his way." Felix was so calm and collected all the time. His face rarely ever had an expression on it. Meela liked that which she found strange.

"Fine then what do we do. I cant stand here and watch Maddie fight for her life."

"Come with me." Felix pulled her towards a life boat. He began to untie it.

"What are we doing?" Meela laughed at Felix because he was struggling to untie it. The muscles in his arms popped out and Meela bit her lip.

"What?" Felix asked catching her staring. He knew what she was biting her lip at. He smirked.

"Nothing..." Meela turns away from him. Felix gets the boat untied and the boat falls into the water. Felix throws himself over, and Meela gasps. She runs to the ledge and looks over. Felix smiles up at her.

"Jump!" He yells at her.

"Are you crazy?!" Meela looks at the height. It must've been 15 to 20 feet. How had Felix gone completely unharmed?!

"Maybe a little." Felix laughed at himself. "Trust me."

Meela took a deep breath, closed her eyes and jumped off the side of the boat. Her stomach made its way to her throat. Suddenly she wasn't falling anymore. She felt like she was in an elevator going down by each floor. She opened her eyes and saw glowing yellow dust around her.

"Its fairy dust." Felix knew she was curious.

"You could've warned me!" Meela crossed her arms as her feet hit the deck of the boat.

"I wanted to see if you trusted me enough." He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. Meela sat down and so did Felix. He got out the oars and started to row.

"Where are we going?" Meela began to get butterflies in her stomach

"You'll see." Felix rolled his eyes in amusement. He rowed for a while. They were far away from the shore and it started to worry Meela.

"Just around the corner I promise." Felix touched her arms. He took tow more strong rows and she saw the most beautiful lagoon ever.

"Felix." Meela stood up and gazed at the sight.

"This was the first place Pan showed me when I became his right hand man. This is the place we come to if we have something important to discuss." Felix docked the boat and helped Meela out. The water was clear and blue. The trees looked as if they had never been touched by a human hand. Meela ran her hand over the bark. Felix pulled out a knife and handed it to Meela.

"Make it ours." Meela took the knife from Meela and carved M+F with a heart around it on the tree.

"Perfect." Felix traced it with his pointer finger. "This is our place now." He wrapped his arms around her waist. Felix rested his head on her shoulder. He couldn't have been more happy neither could she.


"What?" She turned around and looked at him.

"Kiss me."

"I thought you'd never ask." He smirk and gingerly kissed her.

"You can do better than that." Meela batted her eye lashed at him.

"Ive got to have something to keep you around." Felix grabbed her hand and pulled her into the warm ocean. Nothing could've been more perfect.

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