Broken hearts

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By this time the sun had gone down and everyone was back at camp. All of the girls were still giddy form their afternoon adventures. They sat around the glowing camp fire whispering about their experiences. Except one girl.

"We sat there and watched the sunset!" Amanda remised

"Felix and I just hang out, but ive never been so content." Meela had a far away look in her eyes.

"Devin and I sat in his tree house. I can still feel his arms." Chloe sighed

"Logan looked so hot in front of the fire." Beau had flashbacks.

Maddie kept her mouth shut. She felt like the things that happened between her and Pan were theirs and only theirs. Like no one should know. Also all of the other girls hated Peter how was she supposed to just be like 'hes not that bad'.

"Maddie what did you do?" Chloe was intrigued by her silence.

"Oh nothing just went swimming trying to get my mind out of here." She shrugged.  

"This place isn't so bad." Amanda was fine here as long as Dylan was here too. All the girls were happy, but Maddie was still torn. I mean don't get me wrong she liked being with Peter but it seemed like the world they had in her past was way past gone. She stared directly at the fire. Chloe signaled to the other girls that something was wrong even though she didn't need to. They had been best friends for a long time and each of them always knew if one of them was upset.

"Maddie whats up?" Beau gingerly touched her shoulder

"Oh nothing. I just miss home." Maddie lied. Something else was eating her alive.

"Oh well umm.." Beau signaled for some help

"We can leave soon. I'm sure Pan will let us go." Chloe knew she was lying to Maddie but what else was she supposed to do?

"No he wont. He's trapped us." Maddie saw Peter emerge from the woods with a girl. She instantly knew who it was. The infamous Tiger Lily. They were laughing and walking way to close. Peter saw Maddie and immediately stopped laughing, and she knew she wasn't supposed to see them.

"Hey BEAUtiful." Logan cracked himself up "See I did there?" Beau just rolled her eyes.

"Amanda." Dylan kissed her cheek and Amanda blushed

"Love." Devin wrapped his arms around Chloe's waist.

"Meela you look happy." Felix winked and Meela punched him "Ow!"

"If that hurt you're a wimp." Meela was purposefully being a butthole

"Hey Felix what's Peter doing with Tiger Lily?" Maddie had to know and Felix was Peter's right hand man.

"They've been dating for about a month now. They were just at skull rock swimming I think. Why?" Felix and the rest of the girls didn't know why Maddie cared.

"Swimming." Maddie whispered before she broke down. She was surrounded by Meela, Amanda, Chloe, Beau, Logan, Felix and Devin.

"Maddie what's wrong?" Meela looked at all the other girls for answers. They were all really concerned.

"Swimming." Was the only thing Maddie could manage to say.

Pan saw all this commotion and said goodbye to Tiger Lily and went to Maddie.

"Anyone know what's going on?" He looked at his lost boys.

"You did this to me! YOU!" Maddie bolted up surprising everyone. "I hope your happy!"

"Hold on Maddie what are you talking about?" Devin tried to calm everyone.

"Do you take all the girls on this island swimming huh?! Did none of that mean anything to you?!" Maddie's eyes were read and her cheeks tear stained

"Maddie I-I.." Peter didn't have an excuse. What he had done was wrong and he knew it. "I didn't mean to hurt you but I also didn't mean to lead you on. I was just happy my best friend was back." He reached out to touch her, but she yanked back. Maddie didn't have words only pain. She didn't move or speak. A few tears slipped and she didn't nothing to stop them. She wanted Pan to see that this was his fault.

"Peter what did you do?" Logan said what everyone was thinking.

"We hung out at skull rock this afternoon and we had fun, but it was all in friendship. I guess she thought it was something more." He shrugged and Felix could tell Peter also thought it was more, but he didn't have the courage to be with Maddie. That's why he stayed with Tiger Lily. She was easy and didn't take much to keep around. Maddie was hard to get a first but worth it in the end. Peter didn't have the strength to fight for her at first.

"You said you-" Peter shushed Felix. He didn't want Maddie to know he felt the same.

"Come on." Meela pulled the girls away even Maddie. They went to Devin's tree house. Maddie sat out side with her legs dangling off the edge.

"We're sorry Maddie." Chloe leaned on Maddie's shoulder

"Me too." Maddie finally found the courage to say something.

"That boy is going to get it!" Meela was furious. Her and Amanda looked like they might murder him. Beau and Chloe were trying to cheer Maddie up. They kept telling her she was too good for him, but nothing was working.

"Guys can I be alone?" Maddie couldn't take their ever failed attempts anymore.

"Of course." Chloe said as they all got up and left. Maddie broke down again. She had been hurt her whole life. She was by far the ugliest of the group and most of the time she felt useless. Like what she had been taught never came in handy. Peter made her feel special but he was a two timing douche bag! The girls were the best friends she had and they made her feel wanted but there was five of them. It was hard to pay them all attention all the time, and know they had boyfriends. Her face was buried in her hands. She sucked in sharp breathes trying to get her self together. All she wanted to do was go home. Be with her friends in the castle they built together, or just somewhere far away from the forsaken island!

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