Maddie and Peter

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The next week wasn't exactly exciting. The girls spent it trying to build there own tree house that they were going to share which didn't turn out well. Meela cut her leg up really badly and has to wear a bandage. Amanda still has blisters through out both of her hands. Chloe cut right beneath her eye and has to wear an eye patch. Beau has a limp from dropping a board on her foot and Maddie has a gash on her left bicep. The boys had been doing separate things. Peter had been keeping everyone in line and finding out how to fix things. Devin and Logan had been helping the girls on and off, but they had mostly been hunting. Felix had been running around keeping the shadows away from the camp. It was a daily challenge and each boy took turns doing it, but Felix had gotten stuck with the dreaded duty all week.

"Alright girls the suns going down and we should go get washed up for dinner." Maddie laughed at Chloe's accent. She was so jealous! She wanted to have an accent.

"Good idea Chloe." Meela set down her bucket of paint. "Lets go find the boys."

"I'll stay here. Theres just some work that need to be finished." Maddie had other reasons for not wanting to go, but she held it from the girls.

"Okay!" Beau and the rest of the girls were oblivious.

Maddie went and sat on the balcony they had finished earlier. She was still confused. They went from wanting to get Beau and leave, but know they were building a tree house and staying. She watched her friends meet up with their new found boyfriends. Her heart sunk. She felt useless. Like whenever she was with them they were all cute but she was alone. Always alone. Building this house made her feel worse. All of the girls had a job and she just did whatever was left over. Meela painted. Amanda helped Beau push up the walls and Chloe nailed them in place. She felt worthless like nobody cared. The girls had been busy with the boys and Maddie had never stopped working on the house. She would tell them to go on to dinner, but she never showed up. Meela had questioned her a few times about it, but she shrugged it off each time. Maddie didn't even want to go on anymore. Nothing she did could get her mind off of how inferior she felt all the time.

"Nice house." Pan was standing just a few feet from her. They hadn't spoken since she told him things were going to get better

"Thanks." Maddie looked back at the girls

"You see them too. I get really jealous of the boys sometimes. They are so happy." He sat down next to her.

"Yeah they are."

"You haven't been at dinner lately." Peter was actually asking a question

"Yeah. The house needs a lot of work and I figured since I have snacks up here I might as well finish." Maddie was lying. She had been avoiding Pan. She still loved him, but everything was so twisted.

"I know you're lying." He touched her knee and Maddie stiffened

"Well then why am I skipping dinner?" Maddie's defense system sprung up. Sarcasm.

"You don't want to see me. I know I should've explained things and been honest with you." His voice cracked and he looked away from Maddie.

"I want you to know that im doing my best to forget about what happened but that's harder than I thought it was going to be. I still have feelings for you and I know you have feeling for me." This whole place is jacked. "Honestly I don't even know why we're still here." Maddie laughed

"What do you mean?" Pan questioned

"We were only here to get Beau and go home, but it seems like we'll be here for a while. Our parents are probably worried sick!"

"Are you okay with being here?" Peter scouted closer to Maddie

"I guess. Its just I don't really have a reason to stay, but no way to leave. Plus I wouldn't leave with out them."

"Come with me." Pan stood up and offered her his hand. Maddie hesitated but took his hand. He dragged her to the other side of the island which was strictly forbidden. I guess he's the king so nothings forbidden to him.

"This place is forbidden not because its dangerous but because its the only place I can get away. I mean the shadow part of the island is forbidden because its dangerous." Peter ran towards a break in the tree. Maddie saw a bunch of little houses hanging off the trees. The lights glowed from inside the homes. It looked like candles hanging from the trees.

"This is the land of the fairies." Little people flew around her shoulders and giggled in her ear.

"I love it." Maddie spun around looking at the different fairies.

"This is Tinker Bell. Shes my fairy." He held out a beautiful girl in a green dress.

"Hi Tinker Bell." Maddie smiled "Peter this amazing!"

"Why do you do that?" Pan asked

"What do you mean?"

"Call me Peter."

"Its your first name. Why else do we have first names." Maddie still had magic in her eyes. This place was amazing.

"I like it." Pan smiled and held up a red headed fairy in a purple dress "Shes your fairy." He scratched the back of his neck

"Oh My! I love her!" Maddie couldn't believe she got her own fairy.

"She can help you with fairy dust or any problem you have. You don't really need fairy dust to fly because you have enough magic in you already." Peter winked and Maddie's fairy flicked him in the head. "Shes also really protective." He rubbed the new the spot where she flicked.

"I like her even more." Maddie joked

"Oh haha you're hilarious." Peter rolled his eyes. "We should get back, so the girls don't think Ive kidnapped you." Maddie and Pan both laughed.

They made their was back to the camp, slowly. Neither one of them wanted to be with everyone else. Sure they aren't dating yet but they had found a new friend. Maddie had her fairy who's name is Scarlet on her right shoulder and Tink sat on Peters left shoulder.

"I could not have had a better evening." Pan said trying to over step his boundaries.

"Ditto Peter." She smiled and stopped in front of the entrance to the camp.

"What?" He asked. Instead of Maddie answering she kissed him on the cheek and ran to find her friends. Peter was speechless.

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