Rough Introductions

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Pan stepped out from the shadows hand on sword and all. His golden eyes shown with pure evil.

"What do you want from us?" Meela stepped forward trying to be brave.

"I want to know what you're doing sneaking around in my forest." Pan took a step closer causing Meela to step back again. Pan didn't even have to do anything and he terrified the two girls. Maddie clenched the hilt of her sword trying not to make any sudden movements. Even though Peter was intimidating the two girls couldn't help but notice how attractive he is. He was about the same height as Maddie. Somewhere between 5'9 and 5'10. His hair was a beautiful milk chocolate brown and swept across the top of his forehead.

"We were trying to find you actually." Maddie knew how to pretend to be confident. It was one of the things her dad had stressed to her. Fake it till you make it.

"Oh really now. Well you found me." He looked both of the girls up and down noticing their mens clothes.

"I guess we did." Meela looked at Maddie trying to figure out what they were to do.

"So didn't have a plan did you? Well you're both cute so I can stand here for a while." He winked and both of the girls blushed. Maddie became extremely angry at herself this boy was evil. He took Beau! Why was she allowing him to fluster her?!

"Why are you really here Peter." Maddie realzed he wasn't here to have small talk with them.

"Devin told me four girls where trying to find me, so the first thing I wanted to know was why. He then told me that I had kidnapped one of there friends. I remembered the girl I had put in a cage recently and thought it must be the girl you're looking for, Beau is it?"

Anger welled in both the girls, but Meela managed to keep herself under control. "Don't let him get to you." Meela whispered to Maddie.

"You bastard!" Maddie launched herself at Pan. With the flick of his wrist Pan sent Maddie flying. Her back smashed against a tree. She was out cold. This sent Meela over the edge but before she could move someone behind her grabbed her arms and held them behind her.

"LET ME GO!" Meela screamed. "SHE COULD BE SERIOUSLY HURT!" A tear left her eye. Is Maddie okay?

Amanda and Chloe

"I don't have any ideas." Devin looked at Chloe. "That's what you two are supposed to do."

"Well thank you for nothing." Chloe rolled her eyes and plopped down on a chair in the corner.

"I only carry out plans. I don't make them, but I know someone who can help you. His name is Steve. He lives just west of here. Go there, get a plan, then come back." Devin gestured towards the door. Chloe got up and followed Amanda towards the door.

"We'll be back." Chloe smiled at Devin.

"I look forward to it." Devin kissed Chloe's hand making her blush. The door clicked behind Amanda and Chloe. As soon as they were going the phone rang inside the cabin.

"Are they on their way?" Pans voice sounding cocky as always.

"Of course. Do I ever fail you?" Devin sounded offended

"Get over yourself." Pan hung up.

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