Luck Has Favorites

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She knew the boat had left Neverland, but she kept screaming. It didn't matter to her. She wanted her father to know that she was furious with him and that she wasn't going to forgive him easily. Her friends were back there! She had to find a way out. Her wrists twisted in the ropes causing rope burns. It stung, but she kept going. Nothing on this earth could keep her in the forsaken boat. Amanda saw that there was a knife hanging on the wall for decoration. She smiled devilishly and stood up slowly and carefully. If she made too much noise someone would know she was up to something. Amanda tiptoed to the knife and carefully slid her wrists against the blade. The rope began to cut, and Amanda laughed through the gag they had put on her. Finally after a few minutes, the rope slid off her wrists. She untied to gag.

Amanda threw the ropes on the floor and made her way to the door. She twisted the knob ever so quietly making sure there was no one out side. Amanda made sure not to open the door to wide because it squeaked about half way.

"Where do you think you're going Missy." Billy was leaning against the wall adjacent to the door.

"I'm not staying here." Amanda crossed her arms and sat in her hip.

"I don't think you have a choice. You couldn't fight any of us." Billy was too over confident.

"I have been trained in Kung Fu and sword fighting. You my friend are little but a pirate." She smirked knowing that calling him a pirate hurt him.

"You shouldn't have said that!" Billy yelled drawing his sword with Amanda doing the same.

Their swords clashed, but Amanda had an advantage. She remembered what it was like to fight Hook's crew. She twisted her sword causing Billy to lose his. He looked dumbfounded. Amanda grabbed his wrist and twisted it so he was facing backward. The butt of her sword hit him in the crevasse between his neck and his shoulder causing him to go unconscious.

"Looks like you were wrong." Amanda whispered and ran up the stairs only to be meet by the rest of the crew. "Frick."

Amanda held her sword out and walked to the side. The group followed her. She looked behind her and smirked.

"Don't even-" But before he could finish Amanda threw herself over the side of the boat. Some how in the midst of the fall she managed to put the sword back into the holster. Her feet hit the water and she struggled to push herself back to the surface. Amanda's head popped up out of the water, and she sucked in a big breathe before she was submerged again. Her sword was too much weight. It kept dragging her under. Amanda made a tough decision . She unbuckled her belt and let the sword sink to the bottom of the ocean. Her arms and legs  flailed trying desperately trying to get her back to the surface. She broke into day light and gasped for dear life. The boat was way out in front of her and she thanked God for her escape. Amanda turned to her left and saw Neverland in the distance, and so began her swim.

Back on Neverland

"Where did Manada go?" Beau was getting worried

"I'm sure she's fine. Probably just enjoying her time with her dad." Dylan was saying it to convince himself more than anything.

"Lets get back to camp. She'll probably get back before dinner and if not we'll send out a search team." Felix needed to make sure that nobody began to panic.

"Sounds good." Maddie knew what Felix was doing. Felix nodded to her telling her he appreciated her help.

The group got the bags they had filled with weapons and made their trudge back to camp even though none of them were convinced. The boat had been gone a long time, so who knew where she had went.

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