Chloe and Devin

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The fight started quickly. The girls barley had time to pull out their swords. Amanda swung with all her might at the boy to her left. Their swords collided and the impact vibrated her arms. He pushed all of his boy weight onto her sword, and she knew she wasn't going to be able to stand for more than a few seconds. She tried to push back but it was in vain.

"Meela." Amanda said. Her voice clearly showing her exhaustion. Meela elbowed the boy she was fighting and he hunched over. She hit him in the head with the butt of her sword. He collapsed. She dogged swords and elbows as she made her way towards Amanda, but it was too late. Amanda had fallen to the floor with the guy on top of her with his sword pressed again her throat. Meela threw herself at him nocking him off Amanda. Amanda gasped feeling the weight lifted off her throat.

"You okay?" Meela asks sticking her hand out which Amanda gladly took.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't have been if you hadn't shown up." They laughed a little.

While Meela and Amanda were catching their breath Chloe and Beau still had a few boys on their hands. Chloe had lost her sword somewhere in the battle so her fight was hand on hand. Being a princess really was unfortunate at this point. Chloe's knuckles were on fire and covered in blood. She didn't realize that it would hurt so much. Beau yelped and she was caught off guard. The boy's fist collided with her mouth and she fell to the floor. The taste of blood filled Chloe's mouth. She coughed and blood hit the floor.

"Chloe!" Someone screamed. It wasn't one of the girls. The voice was much to deep. Her side rattled with pain as she was being kicked. If the boy didn't stop he was going to break one of her ribs. Her vision became black around the edges. But the pain suddenly ceased. She heard a commotion above her, but she didn't have to energy to move. The boy she had been fighting fell unconscious beside her.

"Get up we have to get out of here now or they'll kill you." She looked up and saw Devin picking her up. A slight smiled appeared on her face. Chloe looked around and saw the lost boys fighting along side her friends. Maddie fought with Peter. They worked like clockwork together. Beau and Logan could've taken on the whole world. Meela and Felix worked completely in sync. Amanda and Dylan watched each other and made sure they worked efficiently. Chloe went to say something but her whole world went black.

She awoke on a cot in the middle of the dining room with Devin wrapping her wrist.

"You look better." Devin smiled. Chloe felt her lip. It was covered in dry blood.

"You saved me." Chloe voice was barley more than a whisper.

"I guess I did. I was just doing what needed to be done." Devin said as he finished wrapping her wrist. Chloe flinched, for the wrap was a little too tight. She was ashamed of the fact that she couldn't hold her own. The other girls were doing fine.

"I cant believe you had to fight that boy." Chloe felt so dumb

"Don't be. You didn't see it but the other girls were struggling too until the lost boys arrived. In fact most of you would've been dead." Devin ripped a piece of his shirt off and dipped it in water. He proceeded to dap it on Chloe's forehead which was pounding by the way. She looked into his eyes and he stopped with the cloth.

"How is it that you are still gorgeous after being beaten?" Devin laughed nervously.

"Oh you know I'm just that fabulous." Chloe giggled. Devin moved Chloe's hair out of the way and closed his eyes. Her stomach filled with butterflies as his mouth pressed against hers. He peeled away frightfully slow. Blush filled both of their cheeks.

"Oh here." Devin pulled Chloe's sword out from behind him, but something was different. Her name was engraved on the side of the blade.

"Devin." She sat up and took the sword in amazement. The font was so perfect and beautiful.

"I hoped you would like it." Devin blushed and messed with his hands.

"I love it!" Chloe wrapped her arms around Devin and hugged his tightly.

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