The Island Comes to Life

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The parents

"What do we do now?" Beaus mom asked the rest of the parents.

"Don't know." The rest said in unison.

"I do." A beautiful women stepped out form the shadows. She wore a dress made out of leaves and her eyes seemed to show all four seasons.

"Who are you." Amanda's dad pulled his sword out of his belt.

"I am Neverland." The lady was so beautiful as she moved. She was as graceful as the ocean.

"What do you want form us?" Meela's mom asked

"I have a solution to your problem. You are being bound to this island because your daughters are in love with the lost boys. They are bound to this island. The only way to go home is to kill all of the lost boys." Neverland had a gleam of evil in her eyes that the parents didn't like.

"No, no we cant. Our daughters would never forgive us." Chloe's mom tried to convince the other parents.

"Do you want to be stuck here forever?" Maddie's dad asked rudely.

"Well no, but do you want our daughters to hate us forever?" Chloe's mom was staring to think Neverland's plan was the only choice they had.

"I'm not going to make you do it. I'm just saying its your only option." Neverland casually cleaned her nails. She walked around them like a hawk watching their pray.

"I guess its what we must do then." The parents agreed and began to plan their attack. They were going to get their daughters off this island no matter the cost.

The girls

"So Lyna what do you think about the island so far?" Maddie asked Lyna. All the other girls had fallen asleep.

"Its pretty. I just want to go home." Lyna twisted a ring she had on her right pointer finger.

"Believe me I know. Whats that?" Maddie pointed to her ring.

"It was a present from my great grandmother when I finally became old enough to be a queen. She says it has magical powers." Lyna laughed a little at what nonsense her great grandmother was.

"Well I cant think of any other way you could've gotten here." Maddie wasn't lying. The ring must have brought Lyna here or attracted the shadow.

"Well I wish it could take me home." Lyna sighed.

"Aw this place isn't that bad. You have us now. Plus that boy Aaron seemed to really take interest in you." Maddie winked a little and Lyna giggled. They both started laughing hysterically. Niether of them didn't really know why.

"Yeah I guess you're pretty cool." Lyna lightly elbowed Maddie in the ribs. Maddie dramatically fell off the bed causing Lyna to crack up again.

"Hey I want to show you something." Maddie pulled Lyna out of the tent, since their tree house still wasn't rebuilt, and too skull rock.

"What is this place?" Lyna asked running her hand over the cold damp walls.

"Peter calls it Skull Rock. This is where we broke the curse." Maddie sat down and put her feet in the water. This reminded her of the first time Peter had taken her here.

"We?" Lyna hadn't really heard much about the breaking of the curse, but she'd heard enough to know it wasn't a group effort.

"Yeah we. I mean it was all about friendship in the end." Lyna hadn't heard that part so she felt bad for thinking the other girls hadn't done much.

"So you and Pan? Whats up with that?" She was really curious.

"I don't know. I think we are a thing, but I don't know."

"What about the other girls?"

"Meela is with Felix. Beau is with Logan. Amanda is with Dylan. Chloe is with Devin, so Aaron is free." Maddie playfully punched Lyna in the arm.

"What happened with all you guys any way?"

"That's a long story. The other girls have to be here to tell you with me." Maddie couldn't wait to tell Lyna the adventure they had had here. The other girls are really going to like Lyna Maddie thought.

"What's this giant hour glass for?" Lyna couldn't hold the questions back. Maddie was fine with it. It was actually kind of fun.

"It used to be the lifespan of the lost boys and Pan. They only had so much eternal life." Maddie thought all of this as normal, but Lyna couldn't quite wrap her head around all of this.

"This place is confusing!" Lyna sighed and sat down next to Maddie. Lyna still had shoes on, but the other girls had lost their shoes a long time ago. So now they walked around barefoot like the boys. They sat there talking about nothing for what seemed like hours.

"We should probably head back so I can introduce you to the other girls." Maddie stood up

"I've pretty much been introduced to them." Lyna laughed a little.

"Not officially." Maddie rolled her eyes and they began their walk back to camp. Little did they know things were about to get very interesting.

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