Friends and Whatever the Heck We Are

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Maddie and Peter

She jumped some how knowing she wouldn't fall shed fly. The wind swept in her hair and she had never enjoyed herself more. Pan came up beside her and saw her pearly smile. He couldn't believe he had her back. Maddie noticed Pan but didn't care. She was having way too much fun.

"Having fun?!" Peter smiled as the came upon skull rock

"Yeah!!" Maddie said as her feet hit the floor

"I hope you know im not all bad." Peter slowly walked around touching the cold damp walls of the cave.

"I remember." Maddie's voice was quiet and unsure. She wanted him to know but she didn't want him thinking she was okay with anything he had done.

"Im glad you do." Peter smiled as he took his shoes off and sat down by the water with Maddie following his lead.

"Why have you changed so much?" Maddie was so curious

"You left that's why."

"Im not all that great. Im nowhere near ready to run the kingdom but its almost time. I wish I was still coming here in my dreams, but everyone has to grow up." Maddie kicked her feet in the water accidently splashing Peter.

"Oh no you didn't!" Pan splahed her.

Maddie in return pushed Pan into the sea, but he saw that coming and grabbed her and pulled her in. They swam and splahed and messed around. Maddie got out and sat on the rock breathing hard.

"Oh no!" Pan shook his head

"What?" Maddie stood up so she was eye to eye with a Pan. Peter didn't answer but instead started tickling her.

"PETER STOP!" She ran away from him and he chased her. He caught her and picked her up. They bot feel over and Peter was on top of Maddie both of them laughing. They stopped laughing when they noticed how close they were.

"Peter." Maddie looked in his eyes

"What?" He asked

"If you're going to do something do it already." Pan stared at Maddie's lip contemplating his decision

Amanda and Dylan

Dylan held Amanda's hand as he raced through the woods. He wanted to show here his secret place.

"Dylan where are we going?" Amanda laughed

"You'll see!" Dylan smiled back at her. She was beautiful and he didn't wanted to take his eyes off her. He continued to push leaves out of his face and making sure they didn't hit her either. They came upon the spot he had been trying so hard to get too.

"Wow." Amanda was speechless. The view was amazing! You could see the whole island. Dylan watched as her eyes lit up.

"I hope you like it." Dylan scratched the back of his neck.

"I love it!" She jumped up and hugged him

"Im glad." Dylan sat down with Amanda. He looked down at her hand and slid his into hers. She looked at him and blushed.

"Dylan this is wonderful and im glad I got to do it with you." Amanda didn't care that they were trapped anymore. She was happy.

"Im really glad I get to spend time with you." Dylan said pulling Amanda closer. She rest his head on this shoulder and watched the sun go down.

Chloe and Devin

They sat in Devin's tree house hanging their feet off the ledge.

"Im sorry for leading you guys to Pan." Devin couldn't stop apologizing for turning on them. He was really sorry about turning Chloe over. He wanted to protect her.

"You were just mislead." Chloe looked up at Devin

"I mean it Chlo I want you to know that i'd do anything to protect you from Pan or anyone else." He pulled Chloe closer and wrapped his arms around her.

"You don't even know me." Chloe found the words hard to speak

"We all do. All of you girls visited in your dreams. Im just glad I can hold you know." Chloe knew he was right.

"I love your eyes." Chloe looked at Devin

"I love that you noticed it." Devin put his forehead against Chloe's

"You're so beautiful." Devin whispered to Chloe.

Meela and Felix

"You cant be serious!" Felix laughed as Meela told him a story about her other adventure with the girls

"Im completely serious! We had all fallen into a huge mud pit and Beau got stuck because her dress way weighted down." They both threw their heads back laughing like little kids. This was what Felix had missed. She was so lovely but he couldn't tell her that. She had frienzoned him a long time ago.

"You guys have been on some crazy adventures together." Felix grabbed a vine form one of the trees and pulled it off.

"Oh that's just the beginning of it. That's why were all so close. We've fought our way out of thick and thin." Meela took the vine from Felix, so he just took another one.

"I missed being able to hang out with you." Felix looked at his feet

"I missed you too." Meela put her hand on Felix's cheek. He looked up and smiled at her. He put his hands on her waist and pulled he in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She breathed in his sent and he held her with strength.

"Don't let go." Meela whispered

"Never." Felix whispered back

Beau and Logan

Logan put a new log on the fire and Beau watched him intently.

"The fire makes your eyes light up." Logan sat down a little closer than friends would

"Thank you." Beau blushed

"I wish you could see what I see in you." Logan faced Beau

"What?" Beau was shocked by his words

"I know that you don't see how beautiful and gifted you are. I look at you and I see something some one more stunning than the stars in the night sky." His voice rasied but not in a bad way. He wanted her to understand that he thought she was the most wonderful girl in the world.

"Logan." Beau was speechless. His blue eyes looked misty in the smoke of the fire.

"Don't say anything." Logan put his hand on her cheek. He looked right into her eyes. Slowly, he closed his eyes and Beau did the same. They bot wanted to stay in this moment forever. Just them two with no worries or cares. The fire warmed them but they didn't need it. The love in their hearts was plenty of warmth.

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