A Different Kind of War

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The kids stood their all back to back, dumbfounded. How the hell are they supposed to get out of this one? Their parents eyes were glazed over and they didn't move a muscle. Glances were shared back and forth.

"Get in a circle around the boys. Neverland said she wasn't going to hurt us, so the main goal is to protect the boys." Maddie had gained a lot of instinct being here. The girls obeyed Maddie and stood in a circle around the boys.

"Try and hurt them now you bitch!" Chloe screamed to the wind.

"Oh girls. You are too cute." The wind seemed to speak back. "I will kill you if I have to." Well looks like their plan wasn't as flawless as Maddie had hoped.

"No you wont." Maddie screamed back. She had a few thoughts roaming in her head.

"You are way to naïve my little darling." She was just a disembodied voice.

"No I'm not. I know you value me because you didn't let me kill myself to break the curse. You want me for something!" Maddie was about to make a deal the others weren't going to like very much.

"Maybe you aren't as dumb as I thought." Neverland became a person again, but this time Neverland was a man. A very attractive man. Each girl saw the man they most desired.

"I know you want me for something and im willing to give it to you." Maddie watched Neverland's reaction hoping for something to go on.

"Whats the if." Neverland wasn't stupid. He knew she wanted something.

"You let all of them go. And take the spell off our parents. Then you get them home." The girls and boys looked at Maddie with wide eyes. "If you agree to do all that i'll stay here with you and do whatever you want."

"No NO YOU ARE NOT STAYING HERE." The girls screamed in unison.

"Shut up! All of you! Im doing what I need to do!" Maddie had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"We are not going to let you stay here with this maniac!" Amanda screamed.

"Would you keep your mouth shut!" Maddie yelled. No one said anything else. They all stood there watching in horror as their friend and girlfriend made a deal with a devil.

"Hmmmmmmm...I like that deal." Neverland twisted a ring on his finger.

"So are you taking it or not?" Maddie was getting anxious. She needed to save her friends.

"Yes im taking you deal."

"NO-!" Their screams were cut off by the snapping of Neverland's fingers. They were gone and Maddie and Neverland were left alone.

"You made a horrible deal my darling."

The Enchanted Forest

They landed in the middle of the dinning hall back at the girls home.

"No we have to save Maddie." Lyna paced.

"Shes right. Neverland isn't a good person to deal with. He'll cut her to pieces." Pan knew Maddie only had a limited amount of time.

"What do you mean?" Beau was nervous.

"I mean hes going to hold her to her word. Hes going to do whatever he pleases with her and that's not a good thing." Pan didn't want to explain any further. He had seen what happens to people who try to cheat Neverland.

NeverlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora