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"So what do we do once we get off the ship?" Amanda asked

"You'll follow the map. I cant help you from here." Hook turned to leave , but Meela stopped him.

"Hold up! You're going to let four girls wonder around alone. Wow." Hook didn't look fazed by anything she said. Maddie knew this was her battle field.

"Hook, we have no experience with Pan or even just Neverland and you want us to do this by ourselves. Really shows the kind of man you are." She also added an eye roll for dramatic effect.

"Fine! I'll send my deck hand with you. He spent a lot of time here. Baelfire!" The girls got their bags ready and prepared for their trek in Neverland. Balefire looked to be the same age as the girls, but who knew.

"Hes kind of cute." Amanda whispers to Maddie.

"Yeah I guess." Maddie whispered back.

As soon as the girls and Baelfire set foot on Neverland the Jolly Rodger was gone.

"That makes me feel even better about this." Chloe mumbled underneath her breath.

"So Girls I can only get you to Devin. The other two will have to find Skull Rock by yourself." None of the girls complained. They figured there was going to be some sort of small print.

Baelfire lead them into the dense forest. Even though it was the middle of the day the forest was dark and gloomy. All of the girls were on high alert, but Baelfire looked right at home. They seemed to walk for day before coming across a small hunt that seemed to be in the dead center of the forest.

"This is where I leave you." Baelfire turned and left the four princesses standing at the door of a lost boys house.

"You knock." Meela elbowed Maddie

"No freaking way!" Maddie threw her hands up in rejection

"Oh come one." Amanda lightly shoved her towards the door. Maddie stuck her tongue out at the girls and knocked twice. The thirty seconds they waited seemed like forever. Then a really freaking attractive boy opened the door.

"And who do I owe the pleasure to?" He immediately notices Chloe.

"We are princesses from another realm and we need to find Pan." Meela was anxious to get to skull rock, so she tried to hurry things up.

"I am Devin, a lost boy. Why do you need to find Pan?" He didn't look at anyone but Chloe. The other girls felt invisible.

"He took our friend Beau." Amanda says waving her hand in front of Devin's face. Nothing.

"Well then I can help. Come in." He finally looked at all the girls.

"I appreciate the offer, but me and Meela aren't staying. Mind pointing towards Skull Rock?" Maddie knew her and Meela had to get going. Devin pointed north and they were off.

Amanda and Chloe

They walked into what looked like a normal wood cabin. It looked bigger on the inside. There wasn't anything on the walls just a couch and a fire place.

"So let me guess you want me to lead you Pan?" Devin plopped on the couch like this was a normal thing.

"Not exactly. We just want to get our friend and get out. Preferably with out having to see Pan at all." Amanda leaned against a wall.

"I cant do that."

"Why not?!" Chloe didn't care how cute he was she wanted her friend back!

"Pan is in tune with the island he already knows you guys are here. He just doesn't know your exact whereabouts, but theres no way hes leaving Beau alone."

"Well great." Amanda rolls her eyes. "What do you suggest we do then?"

Meela and Maddie

"How much longer?" Meela asks Maddie. They've probably been walking for an hour or so.

"Doesn't look that far, but who knows." Maddie looked down at the map. They kept walking, but soon heard a noise.

"What the hell was that?" Meela looked behind them. Maddie drew her sword remembering what Amanda had said. "We should keep going." Meela started to speed walk. Maddie caught up to her and they heard the noise again.

"Okay that isn't funny Chloe!" Maddie fake giggled trying to convince herself it was Chloe and Amanda.

"Sorry love not Chloe." Then the boy they went looking for found them and they had no escape plan.

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