Friends Make Secrets

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Meela and Maddie

"Carry her." Pan ordered a lost boy who didn't look at happy about it. "Your friend will be fine." Pan looked at Meela.

"I freaking hate you!" Meela screamed at Pan.

"Aw but you'll learn to love me." He winked, but this time Meela wanted to punch him not kiss him.

"Where are you taking us?" Meela suddenly became very afraid. Her heart rate kicked up and she began to squirm in the grip of the boy who was holding her.

"Pan she isn't being very cooperative." The boys voice was deep.

"Well hold her tighter! Itll hurt sooner or later and shell stop moving." Pan walked behind the boy holding Maddie and in front of Meela. "Besides we'll be at the camp soon."

Meela realized she wasn't going to get out with Peter right in front of her. She eased and went with the flow. The camp looked exactly like its always been described. The camp fire was dead center and the tree houses in the trees surrounding the fire. They walked into camp when Meela saw Amanda and Chloe sitting on one log hand cuffed.

"Guys?!" Meela was very confused.

"Devin set us up." Chloe looked heart broken. Then the other two girls noticed Maddie. "MADDIE!" Chloe stood up but the guard behind her pushed her down again.

"Is she okay?!" Amanda was trying to keep her cool.

"She'll be fine." Pan waved it off. "I only used minor magic on her."

"You used magic on her?!" Amanda got angrier with every word he spoke. The lost boy carring Maddie set her down next to Chloe.

"She looks awful." Chloe whispered trying not to let the others girls hear.

"Take them to the cages. Leave the unconscious one." Pan didn't even look back at the girls.

"You cant do this!" Chloe screamed

"Shes our firend. OUR SISTER!" Meela broke the grip of her captor and stood in front of Maddie. In all the commotion Amanda and Chloe did the same.

"You'll move away from her if you want to save Beau." Pan pointed behind them. All three turned around and saw Devin with a knife against Beau's neck.

"Devin." Chloe cocked out.

"Im sorry Chloe." A tear ran down Devin's cheek but he kept a straight face.

"Guys please. Step away." Beau looked terrified. The girls obeyed and stepped to the side. They were wrenched roughly by the lost boys.

"Cages now!" Pan looked frustrated "If you try to pull a trick like that again I wont be so nice!" He yelled as the girls were pulled away. Their cages were small barley big enough for any of them to fit in. Beau looked up at the girls.

"Im sorry guys. You wouldn't be here if I had listened to you." She looked so ashamed

"Don't say that." Amanda looked through bars. "We all make mistakes."

"Yeah but now he has Maddie." Chloe didn't mean to be a downer, but she hadn't wanted to come here in the first place. They heard wrestling in the bushes. Each girl pushed their back against the back of the cages. Devin stepped out of the brush. He knelt in front of Chloe's cage.

"Im really sorry." He stuck his hand through the bars.

"Save it!" She slapped his hand.

"I mean it! I feel like a clone. Doing whatever Peter says whenever he says it! I hate always being made do things im clearly against. Ever since I saw you I have something to fight for. Im going to get you and your friends out of here if its the last thing I do!" Devin stood up and whispered something, but no one caught it. Then he went then same way he came.

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