Beau and Logan

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Authors note:

Sorry this took so long Beau. I hope you like it!!


Beau came out in her ball dress and Logan couldn't breath. Everything in his body panicked. How was he supposed to speak to her when she looked like that?! I mean when he had meet her she had a black eye and her lips was busted. She looked like she would've back home.

"Hi." Beau couldn't believe how handsome Logan looked.

"You looked amazing." Logan smiled at Beau trying to contain himself.


"Im sorry I never took you on a date its just you're so beautiful and way out of my league." Logan was ashamed that he hadn't asked Beau out yet.

"Don't be." She said. "Im just glad you're with me now."

"Dance with me?" He bowed to her and held out his hand. Logan had no idea if this was the proper way to ask anyone to dance, but he didn't care.

"I'd love to." She curtsied and lead him out to the dance floor.

They stood under the make shift chandelier. Logan didn't know what to do with his hands, so Beau giggled.

"Put your hands here." She took his hands and set them on here hips. "Okay now take your left foot and step backwards." She said as she took her right foot and stepped forward. She lead him through each step. He was so clumsy it amused her. Beau danced with such grace it entranced the fairies flying above them; on the other hand, Logan couldn't keep time to save his life. That didn't matter to Beau. All she cared about was the fact that he trying.

"Oh I'm making myself look like an idiot!" Logan said as he tripped over his foot for the twelfth time.

"No you're not." Beau suppressed the laughter that arrived in her throat. "Here stop doing what you're doing and stand a little closer to me. Okay now just sway back and forth. There isn't that easier?" Beau smiled at Logan. She appreciated his effort, but she wanted this night to be enjoyable for him too.

"Yeah I guess, but we're hardly even dancing." Logan sighed. He felt like such a let down. For heavens sake he couldn't even dance right!

"I don't care. All I want is to spend this night with you." Beau laid her head on his shoulder. Logan finally let the fact that they weren't even dancing go. He couldn't have asked for more than to just be with Beau. He loved more than the sun loved the moon.

"Beau?" Logan said feeling a knot in his stomach


"I love you." Beau was speechless.

"I love you too." Logan sighed in relief because he knew she loved him too. The stars seemed to twinkle along with the music that played. A light breeze blew Beau's dress making it looks magical. Their breathing synced up and their feet became automatic.  Everyone else seemed to disappear as the night went on. Nothing could wreck this night for either of them. Beau was so glad that Meela had come up with this ball idea.

"This is the best night of my entire night. I could not have asked for a more perfect girl to spend it with." Logan whispered to Beau. She smiled even though he couldn't see her. Logan knew he wanted to hold onto this girl as long as he possibly could. She was his fairytale happy ending.

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