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"Wake up." Maddie heard a voice and her eyes fluttered open.

"Logan what?" She sat up still half asleep. Her voice sounded groggy and raspy.

"I need you to come with me." He didn't give her time to respond. She was yanked out of her tent. Logan's grip was tighter than she would've liked. She tried to resist, but it was no use he was too strong.

"Logan I do not appreciate being dragged through the forest!" A branch wiped Maddie in the face. Needless to say it stung. She suddenly began to get worried. They had been here longer than she thought, but that doesn't mean she trusted any of these boys completely yet. Relief flooded her when she saw the rest of the girls sitting at Mermaid Lagoon. Except someone was missing, Meela.

"Why was I dragged her! And where is Meela?!" Maddie was angry, but also out of breathe.

"I don't know where Meela is to be honest." Amanda admitted. A million thoughts ran through Maddie's mind. Her insecurity spoke loud and clear. Peter had chosen Meela over her, but her ratinal part of the brain tried to tell her that she was wrong. Meela was one of her best friends she would never do that. I guess it was Pan she didn't trust.

"I want to go home." Maddie whispered

"What?" Chloe asked

"I want to go home!" This time Maddie shouted as loud as she possibly could. This place isn't like I remember she thought.

"No you don't." Beau tried to keep Maddie happy. The truth was Meela had told them all about the surprise last night.

"Yes I do! This place keeps tearing us apart form the inside!" It was true. It seems like the island was doing whatever it could to tear the girls apart.

"Maddie I know you think something is going on between me and Pan, but nothing is I promise." Meela came from behind with Felix. He kissed her just to prove a point.

"Then what were you two talking about last night?" Maddie crossed her arms. She hated feeling this way. Her and Meela were best friends, practically sisters, and she felt betrayed. She also felt so dumb for doubting Meela.

"I cant tell you." Meela muttered

"That's not important now." Pan stood up in one of the trees. "I want you to come with me." He reached his hand out to Maddie

"Im not going anywhere until someone tells me what the heck is going on here!"

"Maddie its really important." Pan had to get her away from the others, so they could go set up the camp.

"So is this!"

"Fine! You've got to find someone else Meela!" Peter was done with Maddie's hard head. He was in love with her, but he really didn't have time for this. He had to go help set up decorations if she wasn't going to go with him.

"I can help." A lost boy who they'd never talked to before.

"Who are you?" Amanda was intrigued.

"My name is Thomas." He removed his hood. Holy crap was what was going through all of the girls minds. "I want to show you something." Thomas held his hand out to Maddie. She took it. Thomas pulled her off. The don't go off with strangers dosent apply here because everyone knew everyone. Even though Thomas had never talked to the girls Pan and Felix had mentioned him before. They ended up at a small pond.

"I've heard a lot about you." Thomas said

"Really? Like what?" Maddie was curious

"You're a really sweet girl. You're beautiful and intelligent." Thomas smiled "All of which are true."

"Im glad you think so." Maddie didn't really know how to take compliments.

Back at camp.

"That was close." Chloe sighed

"Tell me about it." Meela said

"Im glad Thomas stepped in though." Dylan mentioned.

"Hell yeah." Felix threw his hands up in relief.

"Okay so now we need the girls approval." Pan said gesturing to the ball room they had set up. They didn't even need the help form the girls. The room was amazing! It looked exactly like a Cinderella ballroom!

"This is perfect!!" All of the girls said in unison.

"Come look at the dresses." Tiger Lily pulled the girls into a tent. The dresses were even more spectacular than the ballroom. Each girls dress was a different color. Meela's was dark blue, Beau's was scarlet red, Chloe's sea foam green, Amanda's was baby blue and Maddie's was dark purple. They all looked like ball dresses they had back home.

"I love them!" Amanda squeeled

"We all do!" Chloe was amazed

"Im so glad!" Pride shown in Tiger Lily's eyes.

"Everything is inplace. What do we do know?" Pan asked

"Go find Maddie and Thomas I guess." Devin suggested

"Maddie is with Thomas!" Peter's face grew red with anger and he disappeared.

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