Day 2

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The sun rose and the girls were up to watch it. Beau had made sure everyone knew that she was going to wake them all up to watch the sunrise together.

"This is nice isn't it." Chloe sighed as purples and oranges spread through out the sky

"Its lovely." Beau said knowing she had done the right thing.

"Yeah I guess." Maddie wasn't enthusiastic about anything right now. She was still heart broken over Peter.

"Its incredibly beautiful, but not as beautiful as you girls." The girls whipped around to find Logan, Devin, Felix and Dylan leaning against their house.

"You boys are so cheesy." Meela laughed and stood up. She ran to Felix and he spun her around.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Chloe asked while intertwining her fingers with Devin's

"We wanted to take you girls on a date." Logan kissed Beau on the cheek making her blush

"Well we'd be delighted." The four girls said in unison.

Beau and Logan

They went to a lagoon on the other side of the island. Beau wasn't to amazed after what they had seen, but she was just glad to be with Logan.

"What?" Logan asked seeing the disappointment in Beau's eyes

"Oh its nothing. I was just hoping for something magical. After all this is Neverland." She shrugged trying not to make a big deal.

"It will be magical I promise." He winked and then lead her to a waterfall

"Have anything against water?" Logan asked

"Not at all." Beau giggled and squeezed his hand.

"Well then come on!" He pulled her through the water. They emerged into a beautiful cave that glistened with water droplets.

"Okay now im amazed." Beau touched the cold damp walls letting the water run down her forearm.

"I wanted to show you my special place. I come here to think and to just be alone. We can share it, now." Logan looked at Beau waiting for a response.

"I would be honored." Beau curtsied. Logan laughed "What?"

"I love you accent!" He put his hands on her waist. She smiled and put her arms around his neck. She stared into to his blue eyes.

"I think I love you." Logan whispered. He closed his eyes and leaned in. Their first kiss awe!

Meela and Felix

"So I want to ask you a question." Felix looked at Meela

"Anything." She stopped to look at Felix.

"What are we?" He refused to make eye contact with Meela

"What do you mean?" She grabbed his hand.

"Are we friends? Are we like family? Are we more than friends?" He looked at Meela's feet  dreading a response

"I like to think we're more than friends." Meela stepped closer to Felix.

"You do?" He was shocked but pleasantly shocked. He hugged Meela not knowing if he could kiss her or not. He really wanted to kiss her. She was waiting for him to kiss her but he never did. Her heart sunk a little.

"Meela?" Felix bushed a few leaves out of the way and she saw the most beautiful place ever! The beach. She looked out at the endless ocean.

"Felix this place is wonderful." A smile was plastered on her face. Felix couldn't believe how lucky he was. Meela was so incredibly beautiful on the inside and out. He loved the way she could be feisty but also loving. She had this bond with the other four girls that Felix admired.

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