Who's really trapped

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Beau, Amanda, Meela and Chloe

"What even just happened?" Beau looked completely dumbfounded

"I don't even know." Chloe had red stained cheek.

"Well looks like we have an ally." Amanda tugged on the bars.

"Or maybe hes stetting us up again." Meela rolled her eyes.

"Don't think like that." Beau looked at Meela.


"How long will she be out?" Felix asked Pan

"She'll wake up soon." Pan didn't look to confident in that statement.

"What do you even want with her?" Felix seemed almost protective over this girl.

"That's none of your business. Go do something useful." Pan waved Felix off and sat down on the log next to Maddie. "I hope I didn't hurt you or your friends." He whispered

Maddie's eyes fluttered open. At first she was in a daze, but it quickly turned into panic.

"What did you do with my friends?!" She bloted up and went to grab her sword. It wasn't there.

"They're fine. I promise. I wanted to talk with you." Pan patted the log next to him signally for Maddie to sit down.

"I don't want anything to do with you Peter." Maddie crossed her arms and sat in her hip. She gave him her best death stare. Truth be told she scared Pan quite a bit. She intimidated him.

"Please I have something important to say." Maddie rolled her eyes and reluctantly sat down.


"You think im a bad guy don't you?" He almost looked hurt

"Of course I do! You kidnapped me and my friends!" Maddie screamed at Pan

"Why do you think I bring people here?! You think your trapped on this island? I've wanted to leave this forsaken place for years." Pan looked for some sympathy from Maddie, but he wasn't getting any.

"Oh so that gives you permission to just kidnap people?! I want my friends back and I want to leave!" She stood up and ran into the woods.

"Maddie!" Pan yelled as she disappeared into the forest. "Please..." His voice trialed off and his eyes watered.

Maddie didn't know where she was going. At this point she didn't care. The only place she wanted to be was home with her friends in the castle they built. Maddie heard voices just a few yards in front of her. She slowed her pace and tried to make as little noise as possible. Maddie pushed through the trees and saw exactly what she had hoped for, her friends.

"Guys!" Maddie was ecstatic

"Did he hurt you?!" All of the girls said in unison

"No im fine. He wasn't even rude to me." Maddie said as she took a rock and broke each lock with it. The girls crawled out of cage and stretched.

"Im so happy to see you!" Chloe said as they all group hugged. "Lets get out of here."

"Girls im sorry but you're not going anywhere." Peter stepped out from the shadows this time less confident. His eyes were swollen and red. He had been crying.

"I get it Peter. You're lonely, but why would you put someone through the same pain you go through?" Maddie wasn't mad anymore. She was more intrigued.

"I don't. I have other reasons for you being here." Pan said just as four other boys stepped beside him. A collective gasp let out from the five girls. How?!

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