Magic In the Blood

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"Wait so what happened?" Meela sat down next to the newly dry Amanda

"My dad tried to kidnap me and take me home. He said something about wanting us all home." Amanda adjusted the towel around her shoulders

"We don't want to go home." Bea sighed and plopped on the bed. Maybe you don't want to go home Maddie thought. She was still very torn about this whole situation.

"Well that's why I jumped off the boat and swam two miles!" Amanda rolled her eyes and laughed a little.

"I'm going to do everything I can to keep you girls here." Pan was trying to be nice, but it sounded a little creepy.

"Thanks Pan." Chloe touched his shoulder telling him his kindness hadn't gone unnoticed.

"I-I have to go." Maddie stood up and walked out. She ran as fast as she could to the other side of the island. The fairies welcomed her with open arms.

"What's wrong?" Scarlet asked her.

"Our parents want us home and I don't know if that's such a bad idea. I mean this place is great, but do the girls really think there is a future here with these boys. They don't age! We still do. We're princesses. Soon we'll have to run a country of our own. They seem to be under a spell." Scarlet tensed up at Maddie's choice of words. Maddie gave her a questioning look. "What Scarlet?"

"Oh its nothing. Keep talking." She tried to waved it off.

"No. Scarlet what do you know that you're not telling me?" Maddie grabbed Scarlet and set her on her shoulder.

"Its really not important."

"It is if you refuse to tell me now spill it."

"Okay fine. This island..."

Back in the Enchanted Forest

"We leave in thirty minutes. Finish packing." Maddie's dad grabbed the last lantern and packed it in a backpack.

"What's the plan anyway." Meela's mom asked

"Well we're going to break the spell they are under. I have a reversal spell in this spell book." Chloe's mom held up a book that looked like it could turn to dust with just one touch.

"What if they have actually fallen in love with them?" Amanda's dad asked

"We can only do our best." Maddie's mom said trying to restore the confidence in the group of parents.

"Love is a powerful thing." Beau's mom argues

"Yes we are aware, but they aren't really 'in love' its a part of the spell." Chloe's mom opens the book to the spell that the island has. It read:

When this spell is placed the person who places it will become king. His servants and him will be granted eternal life if the provide the correct amount of payment a year. If they do not they will slowly begin to age. The spell not only grants eternal life but it also makes getting the payment easier. Whether that means love or hate.

"See its all apart of the spell."

"So we break the spell and everyone goes home." Meela's dad stated

"Not exactly. None of us can break the curse. It takes someone with magic in their blood." Amanda's mom said

"So who has magic in their blood?" Meela's mom asked. The rest of the group turned and looked at Maddie's mom and dad.

"Maddie." The said in unison. Well great

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