Whats New?

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"Maddie you are being ridiculous. Of course you are going to marry royalty!" Her dad gave her the death stare.

"You didnt so why do i have too. Plus im old enough to make my own desicions." Maddie held onto Peters arm. She loves him and she was going to be with him no matter what they thought.

"We arent leaving these boys." Meela stood next to Maddie.

"We love them and the spell is broken." Amanda almost screamed

"You arent going to pull us apart." Chloe stepped up.

"We love them." Beau looked at Logan.

Peter turned and whispered something to Maddie.

"Guys someone just arrived on the island." Maddie looked almost horrifed because she held something back. The person who arrived was a girl.

They all ran out to the ocean side. The girls had lost their heels a long time ago and the boys had taken their jackets off. I girl laid unconious right where the waves hit the sand. She was beautiful. She had dark hair and the girls thought she was Arab. Her head was wrapped in a scarf, but it had fallen to her shoulders.

"We should get her to camp." Feliz suggested.

"Good call." Pan knelt by her side. "Aaron." He called and Aaron picked her up bridal style. "Shes going to stay with you guys." Pan wasnt really asking the girls.

They all went back to camp their parents waiting for them. Before they could say anything Maddie shushed them. Meela set up a cot and the mystery girl was laid on it. They all huddled around her.

"I wonder why she's here." Pan whispered

"Why?" Maddie asked

"Whenever anyone arrives here they have a purpose. Yours was to break the island to put it in other words." Pan interlaced their fingers. Maddie looked around and saw the other boys doing the same to the girls. She saw how happy they were.  Suddenly, the girl shot up gasping for air.

"Who are you?! Where am I?!"

"I am Peter Pan, yes from the fairytales. You are on Neverlan, yes from the fairytales." Pan seemed to have this on lock, like he has done it millions of times. The girls adjusted her scarf back into its orginal position. She looked at all the girls.

"Whats your name love?" Maddie asked gently

"Lyna, my name is Lyna." She was still very nervous. Her heart pumped and her fingers shook.

"Hi Lyna. Im Maddie. This is Chloe, Meela, Amanda and Beau." Maddie gestured to the girls. "And this is Felix, Logan and Devin." Maddie gestured to the lost boys.

"Im Aaron." Aaron couldnt figure out why, but he felt connected to her. Like they were supposed to be together or something. Lyna didnt say anything, for she didnt know what to say. The all sat staring at her and it was weird.

"Where are you from?" Beau asked

"The Enchanted Froest. My father is a king." This was major deja vu to these kids.

"Of course you are." Chloe laughed a little

"Well this is going to take some getting used to. Lyna you cant leave the island." Amanda broke the news.

"What do you mean i cant leave?! I am supposed to be married tomorrow." Lyna chocked out. She felt helpless. Aaron's heart sunk when he heard her words. She was supposed to be married. He could hardly breath.

"I'm sorry hun, but youre stuck like the rest of us." Meela looked at her with pleading eyes.

"We arent stuck!" Beau's mom stated. They had been keeping this from their parents this whole time.

"Yes we are. We just didnt tell you." Maddie rolled her eyes

"Why cant we leave?" Manda's dad asked

"The island wont let us." Peter answered

"Ridiculous!" Maddie's dad yelled, but what he didnt know was that Hook couldnt leave so neither could they.

"Make yourself at home." Pan said sarcastically. He wanted them gone more than anyone. They threatened his relationship with Maddie and he wasnt going to have that. He loves her so much.

"Lyna come with us. We'll help you set up camp with us." Maddie helped Lyna off the cot. The girls left. The boys got to work on the camp, and the parents sat doing nothing because no one wanted them around. This was a whole new game.

Authors note:

Sorry i havent been active latley guys. And sorry this is short. I was on vacay and them i had a hard time. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 400 READS!

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